m2lines / EquationDisco

M²LInES equation discovery package.
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Breaking the pyqg dependency #5

Open jdenholm opened 1 year ago

jdenholm commented 1 year ago

The utils.py currently depends on the pyqg repository, but Laure says she would like this equation discovery repository to be completely independent of pyqg .

LaureZanna commented 1 year ago

Yes, it would be great to removepyqg dependency so that users can feed in their data without having to installpyqg which is a numerical solver.

asross commented 1 year ago

My take on this is that we should support pyqg and require it for certain things (e.g. computing similarity metrics that are specifically designed for pyqg.Models), but we shouldn't require it for the entire library, since much of the code (e.g. the actual hybrid symbolic procedure) can operate just as easily on an xarray.Dataset.

To accomplish that, I think we'll need to do something like:

Does that make sense? I think that's a better approach than removing all references to pyqg altogether, since then it will become very difficult to run the library with pyqg models.

LaureZanna commented 1 year ago

Thanks @asross; i like the idea. I feel as long as one can use the hybrid symbolic procedure without pyqg that would be really great (including calculating the derivatives).