m2lines / EquationDisco

M²LInES equation discovery package.
MIT License
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:construction: :construction: M2LInES Equation discovery package. :construction: :construction:

This repo will house the M2LInES equation discovery repo, and is under construction.

Who is this package for?

TODO: Populate.

Authors and contributors

The code in this repository was originally developed by Andrew Ross and Pavel Perezhogin, in this repository, for use in the publication: Benchmarking of machine learning ocean parameterizations in an idealized model (published in JAMES, https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2022MS003258).

It is currently being worked on by Jim Denholm and Andrew Ross, along with other members of the ICCS and M2LInES.


The work is available under an MIT License; see the license.