m4gr3d / GAST

Godot Android Streaming Texture (GAST) library
MIT License
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Control Audio Channel Delay in Video Playback #45

Open AlanZhouSS opened 1 month ago

AlanZhouSS commented 1 month ago


I'm currently using the GAST module for video playback in my Godot 3.5 project on Android. I have a specific audio requirement that I'm hoping could be addressed in a future update of this module.

Feature Request: The ability to control the delay between left and right audio channels during video playback. Specifically, I would like to be able to delay one channel relative to the other by a specific amount of time (e.g., 100ms).

Use Case: This feature would allow for more advanced audio effects and synchronization in my project, enhancing the overall user experience.

Current Situation: As far as I understand, the module currently doesn't provide direct control over audio channel timing. The audio seems to be handled through the Android system's media player or Godot's audio system.


  1. Is it possible to implement this feature within the GAST module?
  2. If not directly in GAST, are there any recommendations for achieving this effect while still using GAST for video playback?
  3. Would this require modifications to Godot's core audio system?

I understand that this might be a complex feature to implement, especially considering the integration with Android's media playback system. Any insights, suggestions, or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and for maintaining this useful module.

m4gr3d commented 2 weeks ago

@AlanZhouSS GAST uses exoplayer for its media playback, so the first step would be to check if exoplayer provides the capability you're looking for. If it does then it should be possible to provide access to those configurations through the GAST module.

Unfortunately, I'm not currently active on this repo and won't be for the rest of the year as I'm currently busy with helping stabilize and improve Godot 4.x on Android devices. Though I can provide directions and pointers if you're looking to make the necessary changes yourself.