The GAST library leverages Godot's support for OpenGL external textures to enable rendering and interaction with Android views in a Godot project's scenegraph.
The library is released under the MIT license.
The Godot XrApp framework leverages the GAST library to turn regular Android apps into Quest VR apps.
These are Godot Android plugins that leverage the GAST library and the XrApp framework to support access and use of Android views within a Godot project.
Note: They are only supported starting with Godot version 3.2.2.
The project is in alpha state (base functionality is available but API is subject to change). Contributions are welcome!
Clone the repository and initialize the submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
.git submodule update --init --recursive
command should have checked out the
godot-cpp repo under the core/libs/godot-cpp
directory and follow these steps:
bindings and static libraries with the following commands:scons platform=android generate_bindings=yes android_arch=arm64v8 target=release ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="/PATH-TO-ANDROID-NDK/"
scons platform=android generate_bindings=yes android_arch=arm64v8 target=debug ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="/PATH-TO-ANDROID-NDK/"
Note: If you run into issues, check out the repo setup instructions.
The project uses Android Studio for development. Make sure you have Android Studio version 4.0 or higher and open the project within Android Studio.
The GAST plugin is written in C++ and Kotlin.
The Kotlin layer leverages the Godot Android Plugin framework to integrate with a Godot Android application. It provides the public APIs for Android clients to access the plugin core functionality in order to render, interact with and manipulate content generated by the Android View system in Godot’s scenegrah.
The core functionality is written in C++. It leverages the Godot GDNative C++ bindings in order to access and use the GDNative API. Through that API, it’s able to access at runtime the project scenegraph and manipulate it by adding, updating and/or removing Godot nodes and/or resources.
This is the element in the scenegraph responsible for rendering and supporting interaction with an Android view.
A GastNode is made of the following Godot nodes and resources:
Once a GastNode is created, the client gains the ability to retrieve a Surface instance via the GastNode#bindSurface() API. The Surface instance can be used as an output destination onto which Android Views, images or videos can be rendered. This is the process used by the GAST-Video and GAST-WebView plugins.
Using the GastInputListener interface via the GastManager#registerGastInputListener(...) and GastManager#unregisterGastInputListener(...) methods, the GastManager instance relays interaction events from the generated node(s) to the client. This provides the client with enough information to generate and feed Android MotionEvent events to the Android view.
Two types of events are supported:
The plugin uses the Godot Input API to subscribe to dispatched input action events (e.g: button press). It listens for the events registered by the client via the GastInputListener#getInputActionsToMonitor() method, and notifies the client accordingly via the GastInputListener#onMainInputAction(...) callback.
Godot’s Physics API is used in order to detect collision events between the GastNode and a ray cast from the input pointer (in VR the input pointer consists of a tracked controller/hand). This is used to provide support for detecting click, hover and scroll events targeted at the GastNode.
These events are dispatched to the GDScript code via the following signals:
for hover eventspress_input_event
for click press eventsrelease_input_event
for click release eventsscroll_input_event
for scroll eventsSimilarly, the Android code can listen to these events using the corresponding methods:
The dispatched events include the nodepath of the targeted Gast node, the node name of the colliding ray cast and information specific to the type of the event (e.g: hover location for a hover event).
Example code:
func _ready():
var gast_loader = load("res://godot/plugin/v1/gast/GastLoader.gdns").new()
gast_loader.connect("hover_input_event", self, "_on_gast_hover_input_event")
gast_loader.connect("press_input_event", self, "_on_gast_press_input_event")
gast_loader.connect("release_input_event", self, "_on_gast_release_input_event")
gast_loader.connect("scroll_input_event", self, "_on_gast_scroll_input_event")
func _on_gast_hover_input_event(node_path: String, event_origin_id: String, x_percent: float, y_percent: float):
func _on_gast_press_input_event(node_path: String, event_origin_id: String, x_percent: float, y_percent: float):
func _on_gast_release_input_event(node_path: String, event_origin_id: String, x_percent: float, y_percent: float):
func _on_gast_scroll_input_event(node_path: String, event_origin_id: String, x_percent: float, y_percent: float, horizontal_delta: float, vertical_delta: float):
A couple of requirements must be followed for the collision events handling to be properly set up.
The GAST plugin attempts to recycle GastNodes as much as possible, only creating new ones if the pool is empty or exhausted. This allows to keep a lid on the number of generated OpenGL external textures.