m4heshd / vuelectro

Bare minimum, simplistic, production ready scaffolding/build tool for developing with :electron: Electron and Vue.Js
MIT License
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boilerplate boilerplate-template electron scaffolding vue vue-cli vue-devtools vuejs

Vuelectro: Minimal build tool for Vue.js and Electron
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What is Vuelectro?

Vuelectro is a minimalistic (being the keyword), simplistic and production-ready build/scaffolding tool that makes developing with Vue.js and Electron much easier and understandable. It's mainly for the people who appreciate simplicity over code that just "looks cool".

Why Vuelectro?

There are many reasons for the justification of creating Vuelectro upon my own conclusions that I came to while developing with existing build tools. But the highlight is Those tools are needlessly complicated and bloated with unnecessary code, libraries which ultimately make what's happening under the hood too cryptic and users end up having no control over the build process. It took less time for me to build this tool than getting used to already existing tools. So here's why you should use Vuelectro.

And the list goes on. But with the simplicity, they're maybe some missing crucial features that you might stumble upon. Make sure to let me know about those.

Features (pre-configured)

Getting started


Vuelectro at the moment is a cli tool itself. But you need to have Vue cli installed. If you don't have it installed, just run npm install -g @vue/cli. Then follow these simple steps.

⚠️ It's highly recommended to install Vuelectro on a newly created project because it will replace some of the source files

⚠️ Vuelectro is targetted towards Vue 3. Not tested with Vue 2.

Open up a terminal window and run the following,

  1. vue create <your-project-name> (or use vue ui) and cd to that directory

    • ⚠️ It's highly recommended to add plugins such as vuex and vue-router when creating the project rather than later. Make sure to use "hash mode" if you're using vue-router, otherwise you'll end up with a blank Electron window.
  2. npm install vuelectro --save-dev

  3. vuelectro init

    • You'll be prompted to choose a preferred version of Electron here. Including the latest.

That's it. Now you're ready to code.


vuelectro init will create the following files and directories in your project directory.

Vuelectro will use following directories at the time of development.

Global objects and Environment variables


This might look like a lot but trust me these are useful.

Native modules

You don't have to manually set anything up to make native modules work with webpack unless for a very specific scenario. Vuelectro is preconfigured to automatically pick up your dependencies in both main and renderer processes.


There's no additional steps needed to debug with Vuelectro. Just regular Electron debugging methods will work.

Debugging the main process in electron:serve

You can pass in any number of additional arguments at the end when running vuelectro serve and those arguments will be passed to the Electron instance. For an example you can do the following to debug the main process at port 5858 according to instructions here.

in your package.json:

"scripts": {
    "electron:serve": "cross-env VUELECTRO_ENV=serve vuelectro serve --inspect=5858"

This will launch your Electron instance with debugging enabled for the mentioned port. It will also support breakpoints without any issue.

Support this project

Involvement as a contributor by adding a few lines of code, fixing a bug, responding to issues, testing etc.. would be one of the most helpful methods you could support the project. If you're not a developer but a generous person, you can send a small donation this way buy clicking the following button.

Donate to m4heshd

Or you can buy me a "ko-fi" by clicking this button


Where's the massive API documentation?

There's no need because as I've mentioned many times before, this build tool is just simple like that. All you need to know about the configuration for Vuelectro is mentioned as comments inside your vuelectro.config.js file. Go check that out.

That's all you need to know. I made this as much simple as possible. Happy coding!!


This project is licensed under MIT License. Use and alter at your wish.