m50 / ha-fallback-conversation

HomeAssistant Assist Fallback Conversation Agent
MIT License
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Fallback Conversation Agent

This is a custom component of Home Assistant.

Fallback with no debug Fallback with low debug


This custom component allows you to use two conversation agents, falling back if your primary agent fails to handle the intent.

An example use case of this is to use the built-in Home Assistant conversation agent to handle manipulating devices, but then fallback to using ChatGPT for example to handle general questions such as the capital of a country or measurement conversions.

The options provide 3 debug levels:


  1. Install via registering as a custom repository of HACS or by copying the fallback_conversation folder into <config>/custom_components.
  2. Restart Home Assistant.
  3. Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
  4. In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.
  5. Set a name and your preferred debug level.
  6. Click on Fallback Conversation Agent and select Configure on your created agent.
  7. Set the primary and fallback conversations agents from the list.
  8. Go to Settings > Voice Assistants.
  9. Click to edit Assistant (named "Home Assistant" by default).
  10. Select the name of your Fallback Conversation Agent from the "Conversation agent" tab


Contributions are open. I would like to thank the following contributors: