mRoca / ckeditor5-twig

CKEditor5 twig template plugin - A Twig WYSIWYG
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CKEditor5 twig template plugin

This CKEditor5 plugin allows editing Twig templates.




Install CKEditor5.

You must use the same major CKEditor version as the one supported by this plugin (see the package.json file). If you get a ckeditor-duplicated-modules error, you have mismatching versions.

yarn add ckeditor5-twig
<textarea id="editor" style="display: none;">
    <h1>My template</h1>
    {% block twig-template %}
    {% endblock %}

Note: you should use a <textarea>, or a <script type="text/template"> tags instead of a <div> one in order to avoid your browser parsing it.

import TwigPlugin from 'ckeditor5-twig/twig/twigplugin';
import 'ckeditor5-twig/twig/plugin.css';

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [ '...', TwigPlugin ],
        toolbar: [ '...', 'twigCommands' ],
        config: {
            twig: {
                variables: {
                    username: { type: 'string', label: 'The current user\'s username' },
                    country: {
                        type: 'object',
                        nullable: true,
                        properties: {
                            name: { type: 'string', label: 'The country name' },
                            cities: {
                                type: 'array',
                                label: 'All the country\'s cities',
                                children: { type: 'string', label: 'The city name' }
    } )
    .then( '...' )
    .catch( '...' );

Translations are currently available for EN and FR locales (see the twig/twigpluginui.js file).


The plugin brings an Image feature allowing to use twig expression as src value, e.g.: "" ~ user.avatar When using a twig expression as image src, a grey image is displayed with the src value on it.

You must install the Image plugin in order to use it with the Twig plugin:

yarn add @ckeditor/ckeditor5-image
import Image from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image/src/image';

ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
    plugins: ['...', TwigPlugin, Image]

Raw twig content

If you need to write your own twig code, you can use the Code blocks plugin. The required config is described bellow. Behind the woods, the twig plugin will replace all <pre><code class="language-twig"> tags by <code-language-twig>.

import TwigPlugin from 'ckeditor5-twig/twig/twigplugin';
import 'ckeditor5-twig/twig/plugin.css';

        .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
            plugins: [ '...', TwigPlugin, CodeBlock ],
            toolbar: [ '...',, 'twigCommands', 'codeBlock' ],
            config: {
                twig: { ... },
                codeBlock: {
                    indentSequence: false,
                    languages: [
                        { language: 'twig', label: 'Twig' }
                        // You can add other languages here, see
        } );

The Twig plugin is also compatible with HTML embed if using <raw-html-embed> tag instead of <div class="raw-html-embed">, but there are some issues. As the embed html plugin parses its content, we cannot really use it for twig data: <html>{% if a > b %}</html> will be replaced by {% if a &gt; b %}

Symfony integration

A PHP TwigVariablesExtractor class allows to convert an array of items (objects, entities, arrays, types, ...) into a variables array that can be used as plugin config.

This class is currently located into demo/symfonyapp/src/Extractor, and could later be moved into a dedicated repository and composer package.

Extractor options

$propertyInfoExtractor = new PropertyInfoExtractor('...');
$extractor = new TwigVariablesExtractor($propertyInfoExtractor, [
    'circular_reference_limit' => 1,
    'max_depth' => 4,

Groups & Serializer

If there are too many object properties to parse, you can use the @Groups serializer annotation, then use the serializer_groups context option

$extractor = new TwigVariablesExtractor();
$variables = $extractor->extract($types, ['serializer_groups' => ['foo']]);

Variables types


namespace App\Controller;

use App\Extractor\TwigVariablesExtractor;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class DefaultController extends AbstractController
    public function index(): Response
        // Option 1: variables as an array
        // $variables = ['name' => ['type' => 'string']];

        // Option 2: TwigVariablesExtractor & variables defined as an object's properties
        // $variables = $extractor->extract(MyTemplateVariablesObject::class);

        // Option 3: TwigVariablesExtractor & variables defined in an array
        $variables = [
            'app' => [                                      // Manually defined config
                'type' => 'object',
                'label' => 'All app related global variables',
                'properties' => [
                    'debug' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'label' => 'Is debug enabled?'],
                    'environment' => ['type' => 'string', 'label' => 'Current app env: dev or prod'],
            'siteTitle' => 'string',                        // type as string
            'user' => User::class,                          // object & children
            'article' => BlogArticle::class,                // class name
            'comments' => [                                 // array with ONE item type
                Comment::class                              // array content type
            'calendar' => [                                 // associative array as object
                'now' => 'datetime',                        // type name
                'yesterday' => \DateTimeInterface::class,   // interface name
                'tomorrow' => new \DateTimeImmutable(),     // object

        $extractor = new TwigVariablesExtractor();
        return $this->render('default/index.html.twig', [
            'variables' => $extractor->extract($variables),

Override translations

All translations are defined in the twig/twigpluginui.js file. Each one can be overridden by adding the translation


CKEditor plugin

yarn install
yarn watch

Then open the index.html file (with the Run button in PhpStorm / WebStorm, for instance).

Before pushing

yarn lint:fix
yarn stylelint:fix

Demo symfony project

Install the Symfony CLI, then:

cd demo/symfonyapp
composer install
yarn install
(yarn encore dev-server --port 8880 & symfony server:start --port 8000 --no-tls)
# or run the two commands in a different terminal

Then access the demo page

Before pushing

cd demo/symfonyapp
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix

Known issues

