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Codebase for [Paper] Pre-training with Bag-of-Word Prediction for Dense Passage Retrieval
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Pre-training with Bag-of-Word Prediction for Dense Passage Retrieval

Codebase for Paper Drop your Decoder: Pre-training with Bag-of-Word Prediction for Dense Passage Retrieval. We develop an encoder-only pre-training schema for dense retrieval, named Bag-of-Word Prediction, for directly compressing the lexicon information into dense representations.

Get Started

Please install Faiss by following their guidelines. Then you can easily set up the environment by cloning this repo, and runing the following command.

pip install -e .

Model Release

We have released multiple models pre-trained with Bag-of-Word Prediction.

Model Description
bowdpr/bowdpr_wiki Pre-trained Model on Wikipedia and BookCorpus.
bowdpr/bowdpr_marco Pre-trained Model on MS-MARCO Passages.

The released fine-tuned retrievers are listed as follows.

Model Description
bowdpr/bowdpr_marco_ft Retriever initialized from bowdpr/bowdpr_marco and fine-tuned on MS-MARCO
bowdpr/bowdpr_wiki_nqft Retriever initialized from bowdpr/bowdpr_wiki and fine-tuned on NQ
bowdpr/bowdpr_wiki_triviaft Retriever initialized from bowdpr/bowdpr_wiki and fine-tuned on Trivia

Pre-training Efficiency

Our model achieves considerable pre-training speedup comparing to previous MAE-style pre-training methods. Speed test is conducted with a batch size of 64, max sequence length of 512 and dataloader number of workers of 8.

Data Process Additional Decoder Training Speed
Model Archeticture Complexity Time(s) Complexity GPU Time(s) Sample per second Degeneration
Pure MLM Pre-train Encoder O(n) 0.0476 - - 269.708 -
Auto-Encoding Encoder-Decoder O(n) 0.0940 O(n^2) 0.0013 222.658 17.4%
Auto-Regression Encoder-Decoder O(n) 0.0636 O(n^2) 0.0030 215.136 20.2%
Enhanced Decoding Encoder-Decoder O(n^2) 5.6261 O(n^2) 0.0012 85.797 68.2%
BoW Prediction Encoder O(n) 0.0533 - 0.0002 266.359 1.2%

Retrieval Performances

Our model achieves state-of-the-art retrieval performances on multiple retrieval benchmarks, without using any special masking, context sampling, data augmentation, or task-ensembling techniques.

MS-MARCO Natural Question Trivia QA
Model MRR@10 R@50 R@1k R@5 R@20 R@100 R@5 R@20 R@100
RetroMAE 39.3 87.0 98.5 74.4 84.4 89.4 78.9 84.5 88.0
BoW Prediction 40.1 88.7 98.9 75.3 84.6 90.4 79.4 84.9 88.0


Please refer to examples below for reproducing our works.

  1. Pre-training on Wikipedia & BookCorpus or MS-MARCO Passages
  2. Fine-tuning on MS-MARCO Passage Ranking Task
  3. Fine-tuning on Natural Questions or TriviaQA
  4. Fine-tuning on BEIR

Bugs or Questions

If you encounter any bugs or questions, please feel free to open an issue and contact me.


If you are interested in our work, please consider citing our paper.

      title={Drop your Decoder: Pre-training with Bag-of-Word Prediction for Dense Passage Retrieval}, 
      author={Guangyuan Ma and Xing Wu and Zijia Lin and Songlin Hu},