maarcingebala / goldsprints

DIY Goldsprints in Python, React and Arduino
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link
arduino bikes diy game goldsprints python racing react


An attempt to build an application for Goldsprint competition with Arduino, Python and React.


How it works

  1. We use Arduino with two Hall sensors to measure the speed of the bike rollers.
  2. Measurements are sent to a Python script that parses them and sends them through WebSocket to the browser.
  3. We use Django as a backend for storing data about races and players.
  4. Dynamic pages that display speed and distances of players during a race are rendered in React.

Installation on Docker

You can build and run application inside the docker container:

  1. Build docker image: docker build . -t gs:latest --no-cache
  2. Start container: docker-compose up -d
  3. Go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser to access the application

Installation on Linux host

The application was developed and tested with: Ubuntu 15.10, Python 3.5.3 and Node.js 6.3.0.

  1. Build the static assets: npm install & npm run build
  2. Install Python dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Prepare the database: python migrate
  4. Start the application server: python runserver 8000
  5. Start the data receiver: python ws_server [PORT] - PORT is the USB port that receives data from Arduino, e.g. /dev/ttyACM0 on Ubuntu
  6. Go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser to access the application

Available modes


It is purely a DIY hobby project made by @elwoodxblues and @ssaleta. We build it for Polish Cycle Messenger Championships which took place in Wrocław in 2016 (link). It's not perfect, it's not always doing the measurments 100% correctly, but it's good enough that it worked for us at three goldsprints events. If you'd like to use it and need any help - feel free to contact us.