maarten-pennings / CCS811

Arduino library for the CCS811 gas sensor for monitoring indoor air quality.
MIT License
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ESP8266 Thing #5

Closed hsadeghilam closed 5 years ago

hsadeghilam commented 5 years ago

I'm using ESP8266 Thing with CCS811 and I considering I/O # I made these changes to make the code run.

define D1 14

define D2 2

define D3 5

But I'm getting this error. I have already tried connecting WAKE to GND and 5.

Starting CCS811 simple demo ccs811: begin: reset failed init: CCS811 begin FAILED init: CCS811 versions FAILED init: CCS811 start FAILED CCS811: eco2=65535 ppm, etvoc=65535 ppb, errstat=3F9B=--VHXMRWF--AD-IE=ERROR|OLD, raw6=63 uA, raw10=1023 ADC

saket424 commented 5 years ago

Try these. They worked for me

static const uint8_t D0 = 16; static const uint8_t D1 = 5; static const uint8_t D2 = 4; static const uint8_t D3 = 0; static const uint8_t D4 = 2; static const uint8_t D5 = 14; static const uint8_t D6 = 12; static const uint8_t D7 = 13; static const uint8_t D8 = 15; static const uint8_t D9 = 3; static const uint8_t D10 = 1;

Here is the serial output I saw when I dabbed a QTip with 50% Isopropyl Alcohol and took it close to the sensor

CCS811: eco2=400 ppm, etvoc=0 ppb, errstat=90=--vhxmrwF--Ad-ie=ERROR|OLD, raw6=8 uA, raw10=444 ADC CCS811: eco2=404 ppm, etvoc=0 ppb, errstat=98=--vhxmrwF--AD-ie=valid&new, raw6=8 uA, raw10=443 ADC CCS811: eco2=404 ppm, etvoc=0 ppb, errstat=90=--vhxmrwF--Ad-ie=ERROR|OLD, raw6=8 uA, raw10=443 ADC CCS811: eco2=400 ppm, etvoc=0 ppb, errstat=98=--vhxmrwF--AD-ie=valid&new, raw6=8 uA, raw10=446 ADC CCS811: eco2=400 ppm, etvoc=0 ppb, errstat=90=--vhxmrwF--Ad-ie=ERROR|OLD, raw6=8 uA, raw10=448 ADC CCS811: eco2=400 ppm, etvoc=0 ppb, errstat=98=--vhxmrwF--AD-ie=valid&new, raw6=8 uA, raw10=450 ADC CCS811: eco2=7992 ppm, etvoc=1156 ppb, errstat=90=--vhxmrwF--Ad-ie=ERROR|OLD, raw6=8 uA, raw10=97 ADC CCS811: eco2=7215 ppm, etvoc=1038 ppb, errstat=98=--vhxmrwF--AD-ie=valid&new, raw6=8 uA, raw10=106 ADC CCS811: eco2=7992 ppm, etvoc=1156 ppb, errstat=90=--vhxmrwF--Ad-ie=ERROR|OLD, raw6=8 uA, raw10=100 ADC CCS811: eco2=665 ppm, etvoc=40 ppb, errstat=98=--vhxmrwF--AD-ie=valid&new, raw6=8 uA, raw10=349 ADC CCS811: eco2=519 ppm, etvoc=18 ppb, errstat=90=--vhxmrwF--Ad-ie=ERROR|OLD, raw6=8 uA, raw10=396 ADC CCS811: eco2=462 ppm, etvoc=9 ppb, errstat=98=--vhxmrwF--AD-ie=valid&new, raw6=8 uA, raw10=418 ADC CCS811: eco2=418 ppm, etvoc=2 ppb, errstat=90=--vhxmrwF--Ad-ie=ERROR|OLD, raw6=8 uA, raw10=440 ADC CCS811: eco2=400 ppm, etvoc=0 ppb, errstat=98=--vhxmrwF--AD-ie=valid&new, raw6=7 uA, raw10=394 ADC CCS811: eco2=400 ppm, etvoc=0 ppb, errstat=90=--vhxmrwF--Ad-ie=ERROR|OLD, raw6=7 uA, raw10=398 ADC

maarten-pennings commented 5 years ago

Is your sketch working now, @hsadeghilam?

hsadeghilam commented 5 years ago

I really did not get a chance to try this updated library. I actually ended up buying the CCS811 evaluation board from another manufacturer and used their library which worked fine for me!

maarten-pennings commented 5 years ago

Ok - thanks for the update. I close the issue.