maarten-pennings / CCS811

Arduino library for the CCS811 gas sensor for monitoring indoor air quality.
MIT License
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Arduino library for the CCS811 digital gas sensor for monitoring indoor air quality from ScioSense.

There is a Spanish guide.


This project is an Arduino library. It implements a driver for the CCS811. This chip is a indoor air quality sensor module with an I2C interface.

This library includes a CCS811 driver and some examples. When starting, use the example ccs811basic. It is the most simple one, but it helps in getting the wiring correct: the I2C wires, the ADDR select pin and the nWAKE pin. There is also a full fledged example: it reads environmental data from ENS210, writes that to the CCS811, reads the gas data from the CCS811, and then uploads that to ThingSpeak.

If you have an old CCS811, you might want to update its firmware. This library contains an example for that too: ccs811flash.

The rest of this page tells how to get started on the software (install library) and hardware (wiring).


The CCS811 is made by ScioSense formerly ams.


This section gives a quick overview of how to install this library and compile one of its examples (ccs811basic). The end of this file shows an actual run of that example.


It is assumed that


Installation steps

Build an example

To build an example sketch (just building, for running it we need to wire it, and that is the next step):


This library has been tested with

Note that the CCS811 requires a supply voltage of 1.8V .. 3.6V. So, 3.3V is ok, but do not use a 5V board. The Nano has a "3v3 out" pin, but that's only a power out pin, the micro drives the I2C lines on 5V. This poses a risk to the CCS811. Also note that the minimum supply voltage of the CCS811 is 1.8V and should not drop below this value for reliable device operation.

Most micro controllers seem to have built-in pull-ups for I2C. However, those pull-ups are typically activated by Wire.begin(). Therefore, between power-up (or reset) and Wire.begin(), the I2C lines might not be high. This might cause unwanted behavior on the slaves. It is recommended to add 10k pull-ups on both SDA and SCL.


The CCS811 has several pins:


For the NodeMCU (ESP8266), connect as follows (I did not use pull-ups, presumably they are inside the MCU). The SDA and SCL could be mapped to other pins, but these are the default in the Arduino wire library.

CCS811 ESP8266

wiring ESP8266 NodeMCU

Unfortunately, the CCS811 uses clock stretching, and the I2C sw library in the ESP8266 (up to version 2.4.2) can not handle this in all cases, therefore this library add waits (see set_i2cdelay() in ccs811.h).

However, the real solution is to fix the clock stretch problem in the ESP8266 core libraries. I have submitted an issue for that, which is included in core library version 2.5.0. I submitted and another issue, which is not yet released. My suggested do-it-yourself solution is described here

It seems that in Release 2.6.0 (released Nov 9, 2019) includes my I2C fix so ESP8266 can be used with CCS811 without problems.

Pro Mini

For the Pro Mini (do not use a 5V board), connect as follows (I did not use pull-ups, presumably they are inside the MCU).

CCS811 Pro mini

wiring pro mini

Arduino Nano

The Nano runs on 5V and it also drives its I2C lines at 5V. Yes, it has a 3V3 pin, but that is just a "power out" pin. Driving the CCS811 with a Nano did work for me (I forgot to check the datasheets), but is out of spec for the CCS811:

The CCS811 datasheet specifies that logic high is at most 1.0 x VDD (i.e. 3v3), connecting the CCS811 to the I2C pins of the Nano (at 5V) is thus a risk for the CCS811.

For the Arduino Nano, connect as follows (I did not use pull-ups, presumably they are inside the MCU).

CCS811 Nano

wiring nano


For the ES32, connect as follows (I did not use pull-ups, presumably they are inside the MCU). The SDA and SCL could be mapped to other pins, but these are the default in the Arduino wire library.

CCS811 ESP32
SDA 21
SCL 22
nWAKE 23 or GND

wiring ESP32

The ESP32 has, unlike its predecessor ESP8266, an I2C interface in hardware. However, the Arduino library version 1.0.0 has a bug: it does not support repeated start conditions. However, this seems to be fixed in release 1.0.1, so use that.


Connect the official CCS811 module, which also has an ENS210, as follows

wiring CCS811

An alternative is a CCS811-only board (without and ENS210). Wire it as follows

Wiring CCS811

Run an example

To build, flash and run an example sketch

Error flags overview

The read function returns a 16-bit "concatenation" of the 8 bit ERROR_ID and the 8 bit STATUS. If there is an error, you can use the CCS811_ERRSTAT_XXX macros to find the offending bit flag. Alternatively, the errstat_str() method prints a character per flag, uppercase when set. The example applications do that.

Normally you should either see CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK or CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK_NODATA.

Find an overview below.

76543210 76543210

--vhxmrw f--ad-ie                          - Shows all (existing) flags in the down state (cleared)
--vhxmrw F--Ad-ie CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK_NODATA - No errors (e), app valid (A), and running (F), no data yet (d)          
--vhxmrw F--AD-ie CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK        - No errors (e), app valid (A), and running (F), data available (D)
--VHXMRW F--AD-IE                          - Shows all (existing) flags in the up state (set)

|||||||| ||||||||
|||||||| |||||||E: CCS811_ERRSTAT_ERROR    - There is an error, the ERROR_ID register (0xE0) contains the error source
|||||||| ||||||I: CCS811_ERRSTAT_I2CFAIL   - Bit flag added by software (so not in datasheet): I2C transaction error       
|||||||| |||||-: Reserved
|||||||| ||||D: CCS811_ERRSTAT_DATA_READY  - A new data sample is ready in ALG_RESULT_DATA     
|||||||| |||A: CCS811_ERRSTAT_APP_VALID    - Valid application firmware loaded    
|||||||| ||-: app verify (boot mode only)
|||||||| |-: app erase (boot mode only)
|||||||| F: CCS811_ERRSTAT_FW_MODE         - Firmware is in application mode (not boot mode) 
|||||||W: CCS811_ERRSTAT_WRITE_REG_INVALID - The CCS811 received an I²C write request but with invalid register address ID
||||||R: CCS811_ERRSTAT_READ_REG_INVALID   - The CCS811 received an I²C read request to a register addres that is invalid
|||||M: CCS811_ERRSTAT_MEASMODE_INVALID    - The CCS811 received an I²C request to write an unsupported mode to MEAS_MODE
||||X: CCS811_ERRSTAT_MAX_RESISTANCE       - The sensor resistance measurement has reached or exceeded the maximum range
|||H: CCS811_ERRSTAT_HEATER_FAULT          - The heater current in the CCS811 is not in range
||V: CCS811_ERRSTAT_HEATER_SUPPLY          - The heater voltage is not being applied correctly
|-: Reserved
-: Reserved                          

(end of doc)