maartensukel / video-to-traffic-flow-information

This repository allows turning video data into information about traffic flows using object detection and object tracking.
MIT License
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Video to traffic flow information

:city_sunrise: What does this do?

This repository allows turning video data into information about traffic flows using object detection and object tracking.

Cities around the world are becoming more crowded, with this repository it becomes possible to gather information about traffic flows in a transparent and privacy-friendly manner.

Examples of use cases are monitoring the number of boats in the canals and detecting how many pedestrians/trucks/cars enter or leave a specific area.

Object detection and tracking Traffic flow

:hammer: How to setup?

Some initial configuration is required to run things. First we need to install all the python dependencies, and then download the network weights.

Since we use f-strings a fair amount, python 3.6 or greater is required. Feel free to replace them if you need an older python version.

:arrow_forward: How to use?

The application runs in two steps

  1. Image detection and object tracking which is output as a "raw data" CSV file.
  2. Takes raw data and post-processes it into traffic-flow numbers ready for downstream consumption.

1. Image Detection & Tracking

This step is done by the script.

usage: [-h] -i INPUT [-t OBJ_THRESH] [-n NMS_THRESH]
                        [--min-hits MIN_HITS] [--max-age MAX_AGE] [-o OUTDIR]
                        [-w] [--debug-trackers] [--cuda] [--no-show]

Object detection/tracking with YOLOv3 and SORT

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --input INPUT     input directory or video
  -t, --obj-thresh OBJ_THRESH
                        objectness threshold, DEFAULT: 0.5
  -n, --nms-thresh NMS_THRESH
                        non max suppression threshold, DEFAULT: 0.4
  --min-hits MIN_HITS   A tracker needs to match a bounding box for at least
                        this many frames before it is registered. Prevents
                        false positives
  --max-age MAX_AGE     The number of frames a tracker is kept alive without
                        matching bounding boxes. Useful for tracker while an
                        object is temporarily blocked
  -o, --outdir OUTDIR   output directory, DEFAULT: output/
  -w, --webcam          flag for detecting from webcam. Specify webcam ID in
                        the input. usually 0 for a single webcam connected
  --debug-trackers      Show the kalman trackers instead of the YOLO bounding
                        boxes. Useful for debugging and setting parameters, no
                        output is saved.
  --cuda                flag for running on GPU
  --no-show             do not show the detected video in real time

If you want to run using the default parameters, run

./ -i path/to/video_file.mp4

This script outputs two files, a video file contained the source video overlaid with the tracker bounding boxes. The second is a CSV containing data on the tracker bounding boxes for each frame.

Note: We assume that the name of the video has the format YYYYMMDDHHmmss.mp4. We use this timestamp plus the elapsed time in the video for the final output timestamp.

2. Data Post-Processing

Here we do a few post-processing steps to make the previous output more manageable for downstream consumption.

usage: [-h] -i INPUT [-p] [-g GAP_THRESH]
                             [-a ANGLE_THRESH] [-m MOVE_THRESH] [-o OUTDIR]

Postprocessing of csv output from video-detection script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --input INPUT      input csv
  -p, --no-plot         disables plotting of paths
  -g, --gap-thresh GAP_THRESH
                        broken path threshold, DEFAULT: 20
  -a, --angle-thresh ANGLE_THRESH
                        broken angle threshold, DEFAULT: 0.5
  -m, --move-thresh MOVE_THRESH
                        static object threshold, DEFAULT: 10
  -o, --outdir OUTDIR    output directory, DEFAULT: output/

Similarly if we want to run this with the default parameters, all you need to is run

./ -i path/to/raw_data.csv

If everything runs correctly, the final output should look something like this:

uid label ts start_coord end_coord start_angle end_angle
3 person 20191113120001 [662, 280] [434, 273] 3.115 -3.086
2 person 20191113120001 [514, 193] [445, 201] 2.723 -2.61
1 person 20191113120001 [267, 262] [407, 237] -0.229 0.322
6 person 20191113120001 [746, 351] [759, 310] -2.385 0.367
7 person 20191113120001 [747, 328] [762, 295] -2.627 0.432
13 person 20191113120001 [452, 224] [446, 188] -0.983 -1.571
14 person 20191113120001 [748, 336] [704, 145] -2.783 2.875
17 person 20191113120001 [356, 204] [750, 271] -3.07 0.08
18 person 20191113120001 [282, 68] [34, 122] 3.031 2.034

Note that start_coord and end_coord denote the pixel coordinates from the top-left of the picture. Also good to note that the start_angle and end_angle are in the range [-pi, pi], where an angle of 0 would be the same as the vector (x,y) = (1,0).

:tada: Who made this possible?

This project wouldn't be possible without all the hard work on these projects: