This is a simple etcd abstraction with a Promise based api. It written in typescript. And uses rxjs and request from
It provides a simple and purely implemented api to:
This api covers the reconnection across the cluster, in case of the etcd-server is move or shutdown.
There is a strategie implementation for the election process of a singleton worker within on etcd cluster.
To Run the Tests you need a locally installed etcd executable.
ToDo Add the ClientCert Stuff!
The Configuration has these parameters:
The Api "Hello World" look like that:
cfg = etcd.Config.start([
"--etcd-cluster-id", "ClusterWorld",
"--etcd-app-id", "HelloWorld",
"--etcd-url", "http://localhost:2379",
let etc = etcd.Etcd.create(this.etcdConfig)
let ret = await etc.mkdir("Hello/World")
if (ret.isErr()) {
// i never call reject!
// every return value
// has a isErr and isOk Method
The WaitMaster Strategy is used for elected a master of your workers. If you have 10 works and you want to elect one of these workers to a master use the strategy.
await WaitMaster.create("cid", etc, 100, 100,
() => {
// Cluster Singleton Activation
() => {
// Cluster Singleton Deactivation
If you want to observe changes of one entry or a directory. You could create with:
const source = etcd.Etcd.create(wc);
const ccw = source.createChangeWaiter('wait-for-change', { recursive: true });
an instance which allows you to observe the changes with then,catch and if you need you could cancel/stop the observation. The cancel currently does not abort the running requests, but stops there processing.
ccw.then((er) => { /* process your changes */ });
ccw.catch((er) => { /* catch the error */ });
ccw.cancel(); /* stop the current then and catches */