I wrote this small bot after inspiration on github from:
robbiebarrat developing the twitter-contest-enterer https://github.com/robbiebarrat/twitter-contest-enterer rhiever developing the TwitterFollowBot https://github.com/rhiever/TwitterFollowBot
What i found was that both did what i needed from a bot, but not combined.
The twitter-contest-enterer retweeted tweets but did not like the same tweet or follow the user. The TwitterFollowBot would like, follow and retweet but not all the same person, it would act in a very sporadic way. This does not mean in any way that they are bad bots, they just didn't fulfill my required purpose.
Over time i have looked at many Twitter scripts, taken bits from some, drop some from others and come up with a working solution. The purpose of this bot is with minimal set up it will fulfil your contest entering requirements. I understand that everyone wants the easy option so that a script will 'just work', i have done my best to make this happen for you.
Twython Python Minor scripting knowledge Twitter account with developer permissions 30 minutes of your time
Copy and paste below taking care on extra spaces
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
python -V
If you have Python 2.x then run:
sudo pip install twython
If you have Python 3.x then run:
sudo pip3 install twython
git clone https://github.com/mablono5/twittercompbot
cd twitter-compbot
sudo nano config.py
Ctrl X to save then y, press enter
python twittercompbot.py