.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/mabuchilab/NiceLib.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/mabuchilab/NiceLib :alt: Travis CI
NiceLib is a package for rapidly developing "nice" Python bindings to C libraries, using cffi
NiceLib accomplishes this in two main ways: first, it converts header files (macros and all) into a
format usable by cffi
(i.e. it preprocesses them); second, it provides an API for quickly and
cleanly defining pythonic mid-level interfaces that wrap low-level libraries.
For further information, documentation, examples, and more, see our page on
ReadTheDocs <http://nicelib.readthedocs.org/>
For contributing, reporting issues, and providing feedback, see our
GitHub page <https://github.com/mabuchilab/NiceLib>
NiceLib is available on PyPI::
$ pip install nicelib
If you would like to use the development version, download and extract a zip of the source from our
GitHub page <https://github.com/mabuchilab/NiceLib>
_ or clone it using git. Now install::
$ cd /path/to/NiceLib
$ pip install .
.. |logo| image:: images/nicelib-logo-small.png :alt: NiceLib :height: 50