maca134 / dayz-cctv

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Hey, here is a simple script to use in ARMA 2/DayZ. I have only tested it in Epoch at the moment. I have added the commits to the repo to highlight the installtion process. I have included all the files for Epoch with the CCTV script ready to go for either reference or to use.

Installation Instructions

Without Custom fn_selfActions.sqf

  1. Copy CCTV folder to your mission folder.
  2. Copy the custom folder.
  3. In init.sqf change the following line call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; to call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf.
  4. Open up cctv\init.sqf to edit the config.

With Custom fn_selfActions.sqf

  1. Copy CCTV folder to your mission folder.
  2. Add neafcctv.sqf to custom folder (if it doesnt exist, create it).
  3. Find your custom fn_selfActions.sqf and add the following

Find this code, around line 500-550

if(dayz_tameDogs) then {
    if (_isDog and _isAlive and (_hasRawMeat) and _ownerID == "0" and player getVariable ["dogID", 0] == 0) then {
        if (s_player_tamedog < 0) then {
            s_player_tamedog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_tamedog", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\tame_dog.sqf", _cursorTarget, 1, false, true, "", ""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_tamedog;
        s_player_tamedog = -1;
    if (_isDog and _ownerID == dayz_characterID and _isAlive) then {
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_feeddog;
        s_player_feeddog = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_waterdog;
        s_player_waterdog = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_staydog;
        s_player_staydog = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_trackdog;
        s_player_trackdog = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_barkdog;
        s_player_barkdog = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_warndog;
        s_player_warndog = -1;
        player removeAction s_player_followdog;
        s_player_followdog = -1;

And add after the last };

  1. Open up cctv\init.sqf to edit the config.
// CCTV Custom self actions
_isLaptop = _cursorTarget isKindOf "Notebook";
if (_isLaptop && _canDo) then {
    if (s_player_laptop < 0) then {
        s_player_laptop = player addAction ["Activate Laptop", "cctv\init.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
} else {
    player removeAction s_player_laptop;
    s_player_laptop = -1;

And look for:

player removeAction s_player_information;
s_player_information = -1;
player removeAction s_player_fillgen;
s_player_fillgen = -1;
player removeAction s_player_fuelauto;
s_player_fuelauto = -1;

and add:

// CCTV Custom self actions
player removeAction s_player_laptop;
s_player_laptop = -1;


The script only needs 1 filter exception. Although this exception will probably already be in your filters, all you need to add is !"cctv\init.sqf","

5 SetCamUseTi !"\"SetCamUseTi\"," !"cctv\init.sqf","

Adding Cameras

The script uses 2 models to calculate where the CCTV should be.

Notebooks are used to activate the system. In the editor they are found at Object (small) -> Notebook


Loudspeaks are used as camera points. In the editor they are found at Object (small) -> Loudspeaker Loudspeaker