macaroni-os / mark-issues

Macaroni Automated Repositories Kit Issues
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Macaroni Automated Repositories Kit Issues

The Macaroni Automated Repositories Kit is the Stack of all softwares used by Macaroni to maintain and to generate kits together with the tools used by Macaroni to convert Portage metadata to anise specs.

Submit issues here for all issues with the tree and with MARK stack.

Github permits referencing the issue from another repository using <org/repo># so if you submit PRs for open issues you can use:

Bugs: macaroni-os/<repo>#<num-issue>


Closes: macaroni-os/<repo>#<num-issue>

The MARK-1 (naming inspired by the Iron Man Armors) doesn't include the stack to generate binary repositories (anise-build, etc.) that continues to have the repository macaroni-funtoo as the main issue tracker.