macddmac / P3PROPHET

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Rohan - Create a sorting algorithm in conjunction with an API in order to store data on animals as well as display #4

Open macddmac opened 3 years ago

macddmac commented 3 years ago

Our project is to be centered around animal facts so I decided I would get to work on an API that I could use for our final project requirements. For my checkpoint I was able to create a cat fact API which is a good start towards implementing a completed API into my project for the user to interact with.

As seen by the content in these links, my progress so far has been the completion of a rest API that shows the user randomly generated cat facts. It isn't fully integrated yet so that will be my focus for the next few days.

sophiebulkin commented 3 years ago

this seems like a good idea! I like where you're going with this, it will be interesting to see how you're going to develop this and find the proper API for this idea

ShreyaV-05 commented 3 years ago

this sounds really interesting! I can't wait to see how the frontend would look for this since there would be a lot of data to shift through. I would recommend sorting the animals by the type they are so it isn't a lot of information to sort through.

Mewe14 commented 3 years ago

This looks good! I would maybe add some links to code files down the line

somythl commented 3 years ago

This looks good! After reviewing the code it seemed great and I'm glad you were able to work on the API like this. Keep up the good work

1843496 commented 3 years ago

This is awesome and I like how you are working on the API which is very important for the website.

1855481 commented 3 years ago

Nice job working on this crucial task for the website.