macddmac / P3PROPHET

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This is the repository for team "PROPHETS" in Mr. Mortensens Period 3 Data Structures class.

How It's Made

Theme Section (5pt)

Individual Section (3pt)

API Section (3pt)

@app.route("/random_cat_fact", methods=["GET"]) def random_cat_fact(): x = r.get("") data = x.json() fact = data.get("fact")

return fact

if name == "main":, port=3000)

## Deployment Section (3pt)
- How It's Made section (+2pt How Its Made, +1pt Visuals)
    - This is our 'How it's Made'
- Commercial (+2pt)
    - [LINK TO VIDEO](
- Failed to Deploy on Mr. M's Machine(-1pt)

# Links
Project Plan:

Project Board:

Runtime Link:

# Umbrella Ticket with Individual Tasks for EOY
- [Umbrella Ticket](
- In this Umbrella Ticket you will find each of the contributors' goals for the final project 
- Currently we have our checkpoints for 6/1 completed and linked as well as our general plans for the next week

# Contributors(+ individual ideas)
- Rohan - Look to set up graphing system to track trends and represent data
- Sam - RPI owner and works with the back end of the code to create routes 
- Shekar - Works with the front end to make the site more aesthetically pleasing with images and such
- Jason - Our other back end coder who created the blueprint and helps make our website more efficient 
- Rivan - Our alternate front end coder who is focusing on analyzing data for endangered species 

# What is our project?
Our project focues on endagered animal species and shows trends in the statistics related to them! We also give information through fun activities for kids and adults. People of all ages can navigate and learn about all kinds of animals and hopefully gain insight into how precious they are to our world. 

# What will the website feature?
- Home page with navigation options to our key wesbite highlights
- Cat API that gives random facts about cats
- Login system used for new/old users to log in and access our page
- Cool looking tiger animations
- About us page that gives credit to everyone that helped build the page
- Data storage page that gives information about animals not specially featured
- Minilabs where collaborators can show cool codes that have built