Cloud Native Blazor Pong wants to be a revival of the classic BlazorPong with enhanced features including authentication(or just the concept of identities, to start), multi-room support, automatic infrastructure scalability, and a highscores page with statistical data on player performance.
This was generated using chatgpt, so it's not perfect, but it's a good start.
participant User as User
participant WebPage as /pong Web Page
participant Server as Server
participant Database as Azure SQL Database
participant SignalRHub as SignalR Hub
participant Redis as Redis (Cache & Backbone)
participant RoomService as Room Service
participant GamesService as Games Service
User->>WebPage: Access /pong
WebPage->>User: Option to Create or Join Room
alt Generate Room
User->>Server: Create Room
Server->>Database: Persist Room
Database-->>Server: Acknowledge
Server->>Redis: Add Room to Managed Rooms
Server-->>User: Room Created (GUID)
else Join Room
User->>Server: Join Room (GUID)
Server->>Redis: Verify Room State
Redis-->>Server: Room State
Server-->>User: Join Room
User->>Server: Mark as Ready
Server->>RoomService: Monitor Room States
RoomService-->>Server: Room Ready
Server->>SignalRHub: Wait for 2 Players Ready
SignalRHub-->>User: Game Starts on Ready
loop Game Play
SignalRHub->>GamesService: Player Moves & Ball Updates
GamesService->>Redis: Update Room State
Redis-->>GamesService: State Updated
GamesService->>SignalRHub: Update Game State
SignalRHub-->>User: Reflect Player and Ball Movements
note over SignalRHub: Uses Redis for Scaling & State Management
Prompt: generate a mermaidjs that represents the flow of this project.
it should include that: the frontend is distributed from the backend server at the first get, and it's a blazor webassembly frontend. when the users lands on the /pong page, they can generate or join a room though a guid. when someone generates a room it is persisted in an azure sql database. one of the many backend servers then picks up the new room through a background service(RoomService) that polls the azure sql db and adds it to the in-memory dictionary that the GamesService is based on. Another background service(GamesService) managed the rooms locked for each backend waiting for 2 players to click on the ready button when they are in that room(that information is in the state of the room and is persisted on the redis cache). then though a signalr connection, both the player can move their block up and down while the background service sends periodically the ball movements, so that they can play and eventually score and win.
horizontal scaling of backend servers that serve the frontend and contain the signalr hub and background services is guaranteed using redis as the backbone and also as the distributed cache for the state of each room.
This will be removed and dev containers will be used instead. Anyway, to use locally you need to have the following installed: dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage
Ideally in the /rooms page you should be able to see a list of rooms. If you create a room you should be able to delete it. If you join a room you should be able to either connect to play or to watch the game. When creating a room, the GUID should be generated automatically and you should connect to a Signalr Hub. Once connected, the SignalR Hub should save the connection details and container in a DB. When you join a room you should be able to play pong with whoever is already inside, taking the connection details from the DB knowing the GUID of the Room that already exists.
sudo service redis-server start execute the blazor server and you should be good to go
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Name=ConnectionStrings:AzureSql" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o .\EFCore -c PongDbContext --no-onconfiguring --project .\src\BlazorPong.Web\Server -f