machelreid / lewis

Official code for LEWIS, from: "LEWIS: Levenshtein Editing for Unsupervised Text Style Transfer", ACL-IJCNLP 2021 Findings by Machel Reid and Victor Zhong
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editing machine-learning nlp style-transfer


Official code for LEWIS, from: "LEWIS: Levenshtein Editing for Unsupervised Text Style Transfer", ACL-IJCNLP 2021 Findings by Machel Reid and Victor Zhong


I. Install Dependencies

conda create -n lewis python=3.7
conda activate lewis
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
pip install transformers
pip install python-Levenshtein

# install fairseq
cd ~
git clone
cd fairseq
pip install --editable ./

# for evaluation
pip install sacrebleu
pip install sacremoses

git clone
cd lewis
cp -r fairseq ~/fairseq/

In some places (later) you might encounter argument errors, for fixing that just check what the argument name is in the code file arg parser and what the command has most likely the difference might be a "_" being inplace of a "-" or vice-a-versa

Incase you run into Cuda OOM Errors, some ways which worked are -

II. Download required pre-trained models

bash path/to/data

III. Add a dataset

We need to add our data. Create a folder in path/to/data and name it as desired. Inside, create the following:

├── <dataset-prefix>
│   ├── <domain-1-suffix>
│   │   ├── train.txt
│   │   ├── valid.txt
│   │   ├── test.txt
│   ├── <domain-2-suffix>
│   │   ├── train.txt
│   │   ├── valid.txt
│   │   ├── test.txt

Where prefix is the name you are giving to the dataset, and train.txt, valid.txt and test.txt inside each domain folder are simple text files with one example (sentence) per line.


I. Train a RoBERta-based Style Classifier

Fine-tune a RoBERTa for style classification to later use attentions to identify sections/tokens of the text that are strongly correlated with a given style class. The fine-tuning step is implemented mainly on the folder roberta_classifier. The while process is done using fairseq and works as follows:

  1. Generate pre-processed data for fine-tuning using script, which will load the raw txt data for each style class, concatenate it and add labels, and create binary files that fairseq can use for faster training.

    bash path/to/data <prefix> <domain-1-suffix> <domain-2-suffix>

    The outputs of this process will be stored in path/to/data/roberta-classifier/<prefix>

  2. Fine-tune RoBERTa using fairseq using the script.

    bash path/to/data <prefix>

    This will save the model checkpoints at /path/to/data/roberta-classifier/<prefix>/checkpoints

  3. Once the model has been fine-tuned we can convert it to plain pytorch/HuggingFace with the script, as folllows.

    python --roberta_checkpoint_path /path/to/data/roberta-classifier/<prefix>/checkpoints --pytorch_dump_folder_path /path/to/data/roberta-classifier-py/<prefix> --classification_head classification_head

    When running this script as indicated, it will automatically use file inside the checkpoint directory provided. After the model has been exported, we will use it to find the tokens that are correlated with a given style in step 3.

  4. We can also use our fine-tuned model to run inference on new data with

    • [ ] Finish Documenting

II. Fine-tune denoising BARTs for each style class

The second step is to fine-tune BART in the task of denoising to have generative models for each one of our styles.

  1. Use to generate fairseq binary data for each style class.

    bash path/to/data <prefix> <domain-1-suffix>
    bash path/to/data <prefix> <domain-2-suffix>

    This will output the binary data at path/to/data/bart-denoising/<prefix>/<domain-sufix>.

  2. Use to fine-tune BART on each domain.

    bash path/to/data <prefix> <domain-sufix>

    This will output checkpoints and training logs at path/to/data/bart-denoising/<prefix>/<domain-sufix>

    Incase you encounter the error fairseq-train: error: unrecognized arguments: --stop-min-lr -1.0 switching --stop-min-lr to --min-lr inside lewis/bart-denoising/ might help.

    • [ ] Improve training stop criterion for this script (perplexity on vaild seems a good alternative)

III. Using the style-classifier and MLMs to synthesize data

At this point we have a fine-tuned RoBERTa model for style classification that has been exported to pytorch, and two fine-tuned generative BART models, one for each style class. Now we can combine these elements to synthesize data. We can use the get_synthesized_data.pyscript to do so.

python --d1_model_path path/to/data/bart-denoising/<prefix>/<domain-1-suffix>/checkpoints/ --d2_model_path path/to/data/bart-denoising/<prefix>/<domain-1-suffix>/checkpoints/ --d1_file /path/to/data/<prefix>/<domain-1-suffix>/train.txt --d2_file /path/to/data/<prefix>/<domain-2-suffix>/train.txt --out_file output/json/file.json --hf_dump path/to/data/roberta-classifier-py/<prefix>

This will:

This process can be be quite slow since it involves generation and prediction with two large models. To improve speed, the inputs sharded if you are using a lot of GPUs (using sharding the process took about 5 hours on politeness, and under 2 hours on yelp). For sharding, take a look at

We can then extract parallel data from the file synthetic data we just generated, such that we can use this to fine-tune out final components that will actually fill in the blanks. We do this with

python --input_json path/to/synth/data.json --output_path path/to/data/<synth-prefix>

This process will create the path/to/data/<synth-prefix> folder and inside place the files para.d0/d1 and masks.d0/d1 with the parallel unmasked/masked data. This process should take ~1,5 hours on 4 GPUs.

IV. Fine-tune BART for machine translation (editing)

  1. The first step is to pre-process the parallel generated by the previous step in order to use it to train our BART editor. Use as follows.
bash path/to/data <synth-prefix> <domain_prefix> <valid-split-size>

This will generate the training data. This includes creating a new dictionary for BART (updating its original dict.txt) so that it also contains the <mask> token which we will be feeding. Training/validations splits will be created at path/to/data/<synth-prefix> and the rest of the output will be placed at path/to/data/bart-mt/<synth-prefix>/<domain-prefix>. Here the <valid-split-size> is literally the number of lines you wish to use for splitting.

  1. Train BART on the parallel data.
bash path/to/data <synth-prefix> <domain-prefix>

This process will likely require multiple GPUs, so please adapt the code as required for this. This script will output checkpoints and training logs at path/to/data/bart-mt/<synth-prefix>/<domain-prefix>.

V. Train RoBERTa-based tagger

Our final training step is to fine-tune a RoBERTa token-level classifier (or tagger).

  1. The first step here is to generate the Levenshtein editing operations from the parallel data, which the tagger will learn to propose edits. For this, use as follows.
python --path-to-parallel-data-file path/to/domain/parallel/txt --mask-threshold <mask-threshold> --output-path /path/to/output/parallel/json

Where --path-to-parallel-data-txt should point to one of the .para files created in step III-1, --mask-threshold controls which sentences in the parallel data we will use for training based on the number of <mask> tokens per sentence (a good rule of thumb is to set it to approximately be 1/3 of the average total sequence length on the data) and --output_pathshould point to a json file.

  1. Train the RoBERTa tagger with, as follows.
python --path-to-parallel-data-json path/to/parallel/json --hf_dump path/to/data/roberta-classifier-py/<prefix>/ --save-dir path/to/data/<synth-prefix>/roberta-tagger --epochs <epochx> --bsz <batch_size> --update-freq <update_freq> 

This will initialize the token-level classifier with the sentence-level classifier that we trained on step I, using a plain roberta-base should work equally well.

  1. Perform inference with the RoBERTa-based tagger, using as follows.
python --hf-dump path/to/data/<synth-prefix>/roberta-tagger --path-to-parallel-data-json path/to/parallel/json --bsz 50 --update-freq 1 --output-path output/path

This will load the model trained on the above step and use it to generate edit labels. The complete output will be placed on output/path/edits.json and the masks only will be placed in output/path/masks.txt.


Once the bart-mt and roberta-tagger models have been trained, we are ready to generate data for style changing, using

python --input_file_path path/to/masks.txt --output_file_path <> --bart-mt-checkpoint-path path/to/data/bart-mt/<synth-prefix> --bart-mt-data-bin-path path/to/data/bart-mt/<synth-prefix>/bin --hf-dump path/to/data/roberta-classifier-py/<prefix> --target_label_index <0 or 1>

This script requires the masks file created in the previous step, the fine-tuned BART trained in IV, and again the RoBERTA-classifier trained in step I. Also, note that --bart_mt_beam_size and --bart_mt_top_k default to 5.

We thank Edison Marrese-Taylor for cleaning up this repository and refactoring the code for public use.