macleanb / chess_public

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Welcome to CheapChess

     "The leading free chess tutor that leverages AI technology for guided, experiential learning."\                        - Unattributed Author

Welcome to CheapChess, where beginners who don't want to pay the high cost of exquisite chess tutors can settle for the best that artificial intelligence can offer. Of course, large-language models (LLMs) aren't perfect - they can be slow, and they can be wrong. But, as beginners to the game of chess, we aren't aiming for perfect. Mediocrity is just fine with us -- as long as we have fun, and save some cash!


For aspiring chess players who find personal tutoring cost-prohibitive, CheapChessTutor is an interactive platform that leverages artificial intelligence to provide personalized chess training. Unlike traditional online courses or costly one-on-one sessions, our app offers a dynamic learning environment where users can create games, receive instant feedback on optimal moves, and engage in real-time with other players. Using the OpenAI API, CheapChessTutor translates complex board positions into easy-to-understand visual cues, making advanced chess strategies accessible to everyone. Affordable and user-friendly, CheapChessTutor democratizes chess learning, helping users enhance their skills at their own pace and budget.\ \                        - Judith Sol Dyess\                        Strategic Consultant

Featured Technologies

Feature Map

Feature Map

Database Design / Schema

CheapChess Database

Frontend setup

Backend - create .env file to store secrets

Backend - create and activate Virtual Environment

Backend - Install Dependencies

Backend - create a Local Database and migrate

Backend - create a superuser account

Backend - import icon fixtures into database

Backend - import auth permissions / group into database

Download Free Chess Images

Backend - start server

Backend - associate icon images to icon data

Start frontend server/app


Project Update Flow

  1. Add issues to your repo
  2. Create a project and link the issues to your project
  3. Make sure your local main branch is all caught up with origin (main)\ git checkout main\ git pull
  4. Create a branch for a certain issue (GitHub issue page)
  5. Copy/paste the commands GitHub provides into your local terminal directory\ git fetch origin\ git checkout <branch_name>
  6. Update code
  7. add, commit your feature work. Create a backup to your feature branch before merging if needed.
  8. Checkout main again (locally) and pull again to ensure it's updated
  9. Checkout your feature branch
  10. Merge current main branch into feature branch (local machine) -- commit again. git merge main
    • If there are no conflicts, just enter the merge (commit) message and close the file
    • If there ARE conflicts:
      • Open source control and click on any files that have conflicts (at the bottom)
      • You can click the button on the right to use the merge tool
      • "Current change" is my stuff
      • "Incoming" / everything below the equals sign is the main stuff
      • You can click the buttons VS code provides in the code for what you want to accept
      • Once complete, it will save the updates in your file and stage (add) it.
      • The last thing you need to do is commit it.
    • You can squash your feature commits with: git rebase -i HEAD~X (where -i is interactive mode and X is the number of most recent commits not including HEAD)\ `git rebase --abort aborts the rebase
  11. push back to the GitHub feature branch
  12. Run tests to ensure the codebase still works once feature is merged
  13. Add a comment in the issue and upload an image showing tests complete
  14. Initiate a pull request into main branch
  15. Accomplish code review with two others
  16. Merge pull request into main on GitHub
  17. On local machine, checkout main and do a git pull to catch back up