Internal Extensions to Macmillan's Bookmaker Toolchain
This repository houses the internal extensions to Macmillan's Bookmaker toolchain. These extensions were written to meet Macmillan's unique content conversion needs, and thus should not be incorporated into the universal conversion process.
The extensions are split into pre- and post-processing steps for each step of the Bookmaker toolchain.
Extra Content Conversions
- Adjust img src to point to the main EPUB OEBPS directory
- Remove the link that gets wrapped around any illustration source paragraphs
- For books with only one chapter, rename the chapter to "Begin Reading" (per ebooks group SOP)
- Replace all spacebreak paragraph contents with three asterisks
- Merge contiguous spanhyperlinkurl spans
- ADDONS: Insert any addons specified in bookmaker_assets/addons.json
- ADDONS: Replace addon placeholder text with book metadata
- ADDONS: If an author record is found in the Data Warehouse, uncomment the author newsletter links (if no author record is found, the links will be broken and should therefore stay commented)
- ADDONS - MINI-TOC: If book has multiple authors, pluralize "About the Author" link
- ADDONS - MINI-TOC: If book has multiple authors, add newsletter signup links for each author
- COPYRIGHT PAGE: Adjust copyright page content: "ISBN: 9781234567890 (e-book) => eISBN: 9781234567890", "Printed in the United States of America => (null)", "(print run counter, e.g., 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2) => (null)"
- COPYRIGHT PAGE: Fix copyright symbol
- COPYRIGHT PAGE: Insert mailto: links around email addresses
- TITLEPAGE: If EPUB titlepage image is found, add data-titlepage="yes" attribute to section
- ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Move to end of book (per ebooks group SOP)
- BACK-OF-BOOK AD: Move to end of book (per ebooks group SOP)
- AD CARD: Move to end of book (per ebooks group SOP)
- FRONT SALES: Move to end of book (per ebooks group SOP)
- TOC: Move to end of book (per ebooks group SOP)
- COPYRIGHT PAGE: Move to end of book (per ebooks group SOP)
- Replaces titlepage content with a titlepage image, if one was submitted
- If no titlepage image was submitted, then replaces the titlepage logo placeholder with an inline image tag
- Adds extra required sales info to the copyright page
- Removes any half-titlepages
- If chapter headings should be numbered, adds the chapter numbers based on the value of the data-label attribute
- Turns any spanhyperlinkurl spans into live hyperlinks (link destination will match the span text)
- Converts small caps spans to real all-caps characters in the HTML (this is necessary because some ereaders don't support text-transform in CSS)
- Removes the class attribute from em tags
- Removes any manually-inserted toc sections
- Removes any content tagged as "print-only" ([data-format="print"])
- Suppress TOC entries for chapters that are the only children of a parent part section
For information on logfiles for bookmaker_addons scripts, please refer to the main repo section on 'Logging to json' here.