mad-lab-fau / BioPsyKit

A Python package for the analysis of biopsychological data.
MIT License
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acute-stress amylase biomarkers biosignals cortisol ecg-processing health-psychology psychology python questionnaires statistics stress-protocols


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A Python package for the analysis of biopsychological data.

With this package you have everything you need for analyzing biopsychological data, including:


Analysis of Physiological Signals

ECG Processing

BioPsyKit provides a whole ECG data processing pipeline, consisting of:

Quick Example

from biopsykit.signals.ecg import EcgProcessor
from biopsykit.example_data import get_ecg_example

ecg_data, sampling_rate = get_ecg_example()

ep = EcgProcessor(ecg_data, sampling_rate)


... more biosignals coming soon!

Sleep/Wake Prediction

BioPsyKit allows to process sleep data collected from IMU or activity sensors (e.g., Actigraphs). This includes:

Quick Example

import biopsykit as bp
from biopsykit.example_data import get_sleep_imu_example

imu_data, sampling_rate = get_sleep_imu_example()

sleep_results = bp.sleep.sleep_processing_pipeline.predict_pipeline_acceleration(imu_data, sampling_rate)
sleep_endpoints = sleep_results["sleep_endpoints"]


Salivary Biomarker Analysis

BioPsyKit provides several methods for the analysis of salivary biomarkers (e.g. cortisol and amylase), such as:

Quick Example

import biopsykit as bp
from biopsykit.example_data import get_saliva_example

saliva_data = get_saliva_example(sample_times=[-20, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50])

max_inc = bp.saliva.max_increase(saliva_data)
# remove the first saliva sample (t=-20) from computing the AUC
auc = bp.saliva.auc(saliva_data, remove_s0=True)



BioPsyKit implements various established psychological (state and trait) questionnaires, such as:

Quick Example

import biopsykit as bp
from biopsykit.example_data import get_questionnaire_example

data = get_questionnaire_example()

pss_data = data.filter(like="PSS")
pss_result = bp.questionnaires.pss(pss_data)


List Supported Questionnaires

import biopsykit as bp


Psychological Protocols

BioPsyKit implements methods for easy handling and analysis of data recorded with several established psychological protocols, such as:

Quick Example

from biopsykit.protocols import TSST
from biopsykit.example_data import get_saliva_example
from biopsykit.example_data import get_hr_subject_data_dict_example
# specify TSST structure and the durations of the single phases
structure = {
   "Pre": None,
   "TSST": {
       "Preparation": 300,
       "Talk": 300,
       "Math": 300
   "Post": None
tsst = TSST(name="TSST", structure=structure)

saliva_data = get_saliva_example(sample_times=[-20, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
hr_subject_data_dict = get_hr_subject_data_dict_example()
# add saliva data collected during the whole TSST procedure
tsst.add_saliva_data(saliva_data, saliva_type="cortisol")
# add heart rate data collected during the "TSST" study part
tsst.add_hr_data(hr_subject_data_dict, study_part="TSST")
# compute heart rate results: normalize ECG data relative to "Preparation" phase; afterwards, use data from the 
# "Talk" and "Math" phases and compute the average heart rate for each subject and study phase, respectively
        "normalize_to": "Preparation",
        "select_phases": ["Talk", "Math"]

Statistical Analysis

BioPsyKit implements methods for simplified statistical analysis of biopsychological data by offering an object-oriented interface for setting up statistical analysis pipelines, displaying the results, and adding statistical significance brackets to plots.

Quick Example

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from biopsykit.stats import StatsPipeline
from biopsykit.plotting import multi_feature_boxplot
from biopsykit.example_data import get_stats_example

data = get_stats_example()

# configure statistical analysis pipeline which consists of checking for normal distribution and performing paired 
# t-tests (within-variable: time) on each questionnaire subscale separately (grouping data by subscale).
pipeline = StatsPipeline(
    steps=[("prep", "normality"), ("test", "pairwise_ttests")],
    params={"dv": "PANAS", "groupby": "subscale", "subject": "subject", "within": "time"}

# apply statistics pipeline on data

# plot data and add statistical significance brackets from statistical analysis pipeline
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=3)
features = ["NegativeAffect", "PositiveAffect", "Total"]
# generate statistical significance brackets
box_pairs, pvalues = pipeline.sig_brackets(
    "test", stats_effect_type="within", plot_type="single", x="time", features=features, subplots=True
# plot data
    data=data, x="time", y="PANAS", features=features, group="subscale", order=["pre", "post"],
    stats_kwargs={"box_pairs": box_pairs, "pvalues": pvalues}, ax=axs

Machine Learning Analysis

BioPsyKit implements methods for simplified and systematic evaluation of different machine learning pipelines.

Quick Example

# Utils
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
# Preprocessing & Feature Selection
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler
# Classification
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
# Cross-Validation
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

from biopsykit.classification.model_selection import SklearnPipelinePermuter

# load example dataset
breast_cancer = load_breast_cancer()
X =
y =

# specify estimator combinations
model_dict = {
  "scaler": {
    "StandardScaler": StandardScaler(),
    "MinMaxScaler": MinMaxScaler()
  "reduce_dim": {
    "SelectKBest": SelectKBest(),
  "clf": {
    "KNeighborsClassifier": KNeighborsClassifier(),
    "DecisionTreeClassifier": DecisionTreeClassifier(),
# specify hyperparameter for grid search
params_dict = {
  "StandardScaler": None,
  "MinMaxScaler": None,
  "SelectKBest": {"k": [2, 4, "all"]},
  "KNeighborsClassifier": {"n_neighbors": [2, 4], "weights": ["uniform", "distance"]},
  "DecisionTreeClassifier": {"criterion": ['gini', 'entropy'], "max_depth": [2, 4]},

pipeline_permuter = SklearnPipelinePermuter(model_dict, params_dict), y, outer_cv=KFold(5), inner_cv=KFold(5))

# print summary of all relevant metrics for the best pipeline for each evaluated pipeline combination


BioPsyKit requires Python >=3.8. First, install a compatible version of Python. Then install BioPsyKit via pip.

Installation from PyPi:

pip install biopsykit

Installation from PyPi with extras (e.g., jupyter to directly install all required dependencies for the use with Jupyter Lab):

pip install "biopsykit[jupyter]"

Installation from local repository copy:

git clone
cd BioPsyKit
pip install .

For Developer

If you are a developer and want to contribute to BioPsyKit you can install an editable version of the package from a local copy of the repository.

BioPsyKit uses poetry to manage dependencies and packaging. Once you installed poetry, run the following commands to clone the repository, initialize a virtual env and install all development dependencies:

Without Extras

git clone
cd BioPsyKit
poetry install

With all Extras (e.g., extended functionalities for IPython/Jupyter Notebooks)

git clone
cd BioPsyKit
poetry install -E mne -E jupyter 

To run any of the tools required for the development workflow, use the poe commands of the poethepoet task runner:

$ poe
docs                 Build the html docs using Sphinx.
format               Reformat all files using black.
format_check         Check, but not change, formatting using black.
lint                 Lint all files with Prospector.
test                 Run Pytest with coverage.
update_version       Bump the version in pyproject.toml and biopsykit.__init__ .
register_ipykernel   Register a new IPython kernel named `biopsykit` linked to the virtual environment.
remove_ipykernel     Remove the associated IPython kernel.

Some Notes

See the Contributing Guidelines for further information.


See the Examples Gallery for example on how to use BioPsyKit.

Citing BioPsyKit

If you use BioPsyKit in your work, please report the version you used in the text. Additionally, please also cite the corresponding paper:

Richer et al., (2021). BioPsyKit: A Python package for the analysis of biopsychological data. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(66), 3702,

If you use a specific algorithm please also to make sure you cite the original paper of the algorithm! We recommend the following citation style:

We used the algorithm proposed by Author et al. [paper-citation], implemented by the BioPsykit package [biopsykit-citation].