madjam002 / yarnpnp2nix

A performance focused and space efficient way of packaging NodeJS applications with Nix
MIT License
42 stars 5 forks source link
nix yarn yarn-berry yarn2 yarn2-pnp


Yet another way of packaging Node applications with Nix. Unlike alternatives, this plugin is built for performance (both speed and disk usage) and aims to be unique with the following goals:


Requires a Yarn version > 4 project using PnP linking (the default). Zero installs are not required, so it's recommended to just use the global cache when developing your project rather than storing dependencies in your repo.

yarnpnp2nix is currently tested with Yarn version 4.0.1.

Quick examples

Setting a build command for a package:

mkYarnPackagesFromManifest {
    yarnManifest = import ./workspace/yarn-manifest.nix;
    packageOverrides = {
        "my-package@workspace:packages/my-package".build = ''
            // Any custom build logic here

Fixing a hash mismatch:

mkYarnPackagesFromManifest {
    yarnManifest = import ./workspace/yarn-manifest.nix;
    packageOverrides = {
        "my-package@workspace:packages/my-package".outputHash = "sha512-4pNZfI6GbsEsBySIs+gK98AGZhWf9QZ3SLytsWIzLnCeJYt2ma6qVK5Gk4TSHsUOmSjqUX8seBCKBBL7f1pvTQ==";

Other notes

Known caveats:

Possible future improvements:


Licensed under the MIT License.

View the full license here.