madjar / nox

Tools to make nix nicer to use
MIT License
305 stars 35 forks source link
nix nixos nixpkgs


Nox is a small tool that makes the use of the Nix package manager easier.

Nox is written in Python 3 and requires nix 1.8 and git. It is released under MIT license.

Try it

You can install it from nixpkgs by running nix-env -i nox.

To try the last version, just clone the repository, run nix-build, and run the resulting binaries in result/bin. To install it, run nix-env -if ..


Just run nox QUERY to search for a nix package. The underlying nix-env invocation is cached to make the search faster than your usual nix-env -qa | grep QUERY. In addition, package descriptions are searched as well as their names. You may specify multiple queries, in which case only packages matching all of them will be listed. Queries are considered as Python-style regular expressions.

.. image:: screen.png

Once you have the results, type the numbers of the packages to install.

Bonus: if you enter the letter 's' at the beginning of the package numbers list, a nix-shell will be started with those packages instead.


The nox-review command helps you find what has changed in nixpkgs, and build changed packages, so you're sure they are not broken. There are 3 modes:


I'm working on a new command, nox-update, that will display information about what is about to be updated, especially giving info not provided by nixos-rebuild:

A picture is better than a thousand words, so here is what it looks like for now:

.. image::