maedat / GFF2MSS

GFF2MSS; GFF3 converter for DDBJ submission via MSS
MIT License
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GFF2MSS: GFF3 converter for DDBJ submission via MSS


MSS (Mass Submission System) on DDBJ requires uniq annotation format file for data submission. I here made a python script converting the standard gff3 gene model file to the MSS annotation. This script makes an MSS file from a gff3 file for gene modeling, a tsv file for annotation file, and a fasta file containing genomic sequence. We recommend pre-processing your gff3 data via, before your conversion. After the making of MSS file, you should fill "COMMON" entries (SUBMITTER, REFERENCE, etc.) before the submission for DDBJ. This software is a non-official converter for MSS. We do not guarantee that DDBJ accepts the generated files.


Several new features have been added. Thanks to @kfuku52. Details will be added to the readme later.





Python 3.7. (Biopython, numpy, pandas, argparse, bcbio-gff, gffpandas)


usage: [-h] -f FASTA -g GFF -a ANN -l LOC -n NAM [-s STN] -o OUT [-m MOL] [-p PID] [-t GTY] [-c GCT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
                        File path to a genome sequence file
  -g GFF, --gff GFF     gff3 file for gene modeling
  -a ANN, --ann ANN     txt file for gene annotation (header = ID, Description)
  -l LOC, --loc LOC     locus_tag prefix
  -n NAM, --nam NAM     organism name
  -s STN, --stn STN     strain
  -o OUT, --out OUT     output MSS file path (default = out.mss.txt)
  -m MOL, --mol MOL     mol_type value (default = genomic DNA)
  -p PID, --pid PID     file for protein ID (Only for the genome version-up)
  -t GTY, --gty GTY     type of linkage_evidence (default = paired-ends)
  -c GCT, --gct GCT     number of Genetic Code Tables (default = 1)


Example 1: Plastid DNA

python3 \
-f example/Lj3.0_Chloroplastl.fna \
-g example/Lj3.0_cp_gene_models.gff3  \
-a example/Lj3.0_anno.txt \
-l "PRE_TEST_" \
-n "Demo japonicus" \
-s "MG-20" \
-c "11"
-o mss.ex1.out.txt 

Example 2: Eukaryotic nuclear DNA with rDNA and tRNA data

python3 \
-f example2/test.fa \
-g example2/test.gff  \
-a example2/annot.list \
-l "PRE_TEST_" \
-n "Demo japonicus" \
-s "DAOM100" \
-o mss.ex2.out.txt 

Example 3: Eukaryotic nuclear DNA with "N"-base gapping

python3 \
-f example2/test.fa \
-g example2/test.gff  \
-a example2/annot.list \
-l "PRE_TEST_" \
-n "Demo japonicus" \
-s "BB2" \
-t "paired-ends"
-o mss.ex2.out.txt 

rDNA data

To distinct the type of rDNA sequence, please add an attribute, "Type=", for each rRNA sub-features.

chr1    .   gene    2472097 2473907 .   +   .   ID=rRNA_001;Name=chr1_1
chr1    .   rRNA    2472097 2473907 .   +   .   Parent=rRNA_001;ID=rRNA_0011;Name=chr1_1-18S;Type=18S
chr1    .   exon    2472097 2473907 .   +   .   Parent=rRNA_0011;ID=rRNA_00111;Name=rRNA_00111
chr1    .   gene    2473908 2474013 .   +   .   ID=rRNA_002;Name=chr1_1-ITS1;Type=ITS1
chr1    .   rRNA    2473908 2474013 .   +   .   Parent=rRNA_002;ID=rRNA_0021;Name=chr1_1-ITS1;Type=ITS1
chr1    .   exon    2473908 2474013 .   +   .   Parent=rRNA_0021;ID=rRNA_00211;Name=rRNA_00211
chr1    .   gene    2474014 2474165 .   +   .   ID=rRNA_003;Name=chr1-1-5.8S;Type=5.8S
chr1    .   rRNA    2474014 2474165 .   +   .   Parent=rRNA_003;ID=rRNA_0031;Name=chr1-1-5.8S;Type=5.8S
chr1    .   exon    2474014 2474165 .   +   .   Parent=rRNA_0031;ID=rRNA_00311;Name=rRNA_00311

tDNA data

Please use the following GFF3 format for tRNA data.

chr1    .   gene    2   74  .   +   .   ID=t91_gene
chr1    .   tRNA    2   74  .   +   .   Parent=t91_gene;ID=t91_tRNA;Name=tRNA-Lys;anticodon=(pos:45..47,aa:Lys)
chr1    .   exon    2   51  .   +   .   Parent=t91_tRNA;ID=t91_exon_1
chr1    .   exon    60  74  .   +   .   Parent=t91_tRNA;ID=t91_exon_2

"Name" attribute is used as "product" and "anticodon" attribute will be applied as "attribute" in MSS annotation file, as below.

    tRNA    join(2..51,60..74)      product tRNA-Lys
            locus_tag   TES_000011100
            anticodon   (pos:45..47,aa:Lys)

./utl/ converts the following type of tab-separated file, which is manually modified from tRNAscan structure prediction, to the GFF3

source  start   end Type    Anticodon   AntC_start  AntC_end    intron_start    intron_end  Possible_pseudogene
chr1    491917  492013  Ile TAT 491952  491954  491956  491977  
chr1    917911  917808  Ile TAT 917876  917874  917872  917845  pseudogene
chr1    917525  917429  Asn ATT 917490  917488  917486  917463  
chr1    915945  915827  Pro CGG 915909  915907  915905  915869  pseudogene
chr1    899982  899904  Ile GAT 899952  899950      


MIT License


Taro Maeda