maehw / wokwi-lookup-table-generator

Generator for wokwi schematics that implement lookup tables in conjunctive normal form (CNF), i.e. with AND and OR gates
GNU General Public License v3.0
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binary-logic circuit-design combinatory-logic digital-design hardware-description-language lookup-table lookup-tables quine-mccluskey quine-mccluskey-algorithm tinytapeout wokwi wokwi-generator

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Wokwi lookup table (LUT) generator

What is this all about?

This git repository contains a generator for wokwi schematics that implement lookup tables (defined by a truth table and some more meta data in a JSON file, see the ./demos subdirectory.

But what is wokwi? Wokwi is a free, browser-based simulator that supports different Arduino and several other boards and components (such as LEDs, buttons, switches, sensors, ...).

It can also be used during #TinyTapeout events. TinyTapeout is an educational project that "aims to make it easier and cheaper than ever to get your digital designs manufactured on a real chip". So oversimplified you can also easily simulate and generate ASIC designs - from a very simple boolean algebra design description (truth tables). Actually, this script started during the first #TinyTapeout event in August/September 2022

How does this work internally? See a separate section below the "Usage" section

Language: This project is written in Python3.

Note This project is work in progress. It is known that not all designs are generated correctly, so there are still some bugs.


To get a list of the available options, use option --help:

% python --help
usage: [-h] [-v] [-f IN_FILE] [-o OUT_FILE] [-p] [-c] [-t] [-tt] [-tt3] is a lookup table generator tool for wokwi

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         log level (-v: INFO, -vv: DEBUG) (default: 0)
  -f IN_FILE, --file IN_FILE
                        path to JSON logic input file; if none is given, stdout is used (default: logic.json)
  -o OUT_FILE, --outfile OUT_FILE
                        path to generated wokwi schematic file (default: None)
  -p, --parts_only      dump wokwi parts list only (default: False)
  -c, --connections_only
                        dump wokwi connections list only (default: False)
  -t, --test            add an Arduino MEGA as test framework and generate Arduino verification code (default: False)
  -tt, --tinytapeout    add default parts used in tinytapeout 1/2 wokwi template schematic (default: False)
  -tt3, --tinytapeout3  add default parts used in tinytapeout 3 wokwi template schematic (default: False)


Specifying an input file name (using option -f) and an output file (using option -o) for the wokwi schematic:

python3 -f ./demos/2bit_half_adder.logic.json -o 2bit_half_adder.diagram.json

You specifically want to generate a design that can be used for #TinyTapeout 3? Use option --tinytapeout3/-tt3 to add the default parts. Example:

python3 -f ./demos/2bit_half_adder.logic.json -o 2bit_half_adder.diagram.json -tt3

Only specifying the input file name (using option -f) and leaving out the optional output file specification, will dump the wokwi schematic via stdout:

python3 -f ./demos/2bit_half_adder.logic.json

Only specifying the input file name (using option -f), will dump the wokwi schematic via stdout (piped to /dev/null), log level DEBUG:

python3 -f ./demos/2bit_half_adder.logic.json -vv > /dev/null

Specify an output file for the wokwi schematic externally but also show contents on stdout by piping it through tee:

python3 -f ./demos/2bit_half_adder.logic.json | tee 2bit_half_adder.diagram.json

Switches -p and -c allow to limit the dump to wokwi parts ony respectively wokwi connections only.

This feature can be used to modify existing designs only. The following command can be used on Mac OS X to copy the parts of the design into the paste buffer:

python3 -f ./demos/bcd_7segment_lut.logic.json -p | sed 's/[{}]//' | pbcopy

Specify an output file for the wokwi schematic; also generate an Arduino sketch for automated verification and add and connect an Arduino MEGA in the wokwi schematic:

python3 -f ./demos/2bit_half_adder.logic.json -o 2bit_half_adder.diagram.json -t

Using generated designs

After having generated your output diagram JSON file, ...

  1. go to
  2. start a new project (e.g. choosing "Arduino Nano", that's not really relevant for the logic designs unless you want to control/test them with an Arduino or other microcontroller; however, all components will be deleted in the next steps)
  3. switch the editor view from tab sketch.ino to tab diagram.json
  4. select all the text in the editor and delete it
  5. paste the contents of the generated JSON files
  6. add components on the input and output side of your design
  7. have fun simulating everything

Warning When using an 8-pin DIP switch for the inputs, make sure to connect one end to VCC and the other end to a pull-down resistor (connected to GND). Otherwise the output may act in a non-deterministic way.


  • You currently need to optimize the wires of your layout manually.
  • You can add textual descriptions to your schematic using parts of type wokwi-text.

Installation and dependencies

Resolve all requirements using pip3:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

This project depends on the package quine-mccluskey a Python implementation of the Quine McCluskey algorithm.

The author says:

This implementation of the Quine McCluskey algorithm has no inherent limits (other than the calculation time) on the size of the inputs.

Warning The Quine McCluskey algorithm currently does not give deterministic results. An issue has been opened here.

Demo designs

For descriptions of the demo designs, inspect their JSON files in the ./demos subdirectory of this repo.

Warning The Quine McCluskey algorithm currently does not give deterministic results. An issue has been opened here.

Some demos are working, some seem to cause trouble.

Working demos

Non-working demos

Termination of unused gate inputs

I have basically identified two termination strategies:

The unused input pin of a 2 input AND gate can

  1. either be pulled HIGH or
  2. be connected to the other input

The unused input pin of a 2 input OR gate can

  1. either be pulled LOW or
  2. be connected to the other input

In the past I had used the first approach which takes more effort (adding a GND and a VCC block and adding connections to it). I've switch to the second approach as this can be realized by adding a short wire connection from one inport to the other - and it's generic for AND and OR gates.

How does this work internally?

The generator is fed with a truth table describing the boolean algebra to be implemented.

The generator implements the lookup tables (truth tables) in conjunctive normal form (CNF)**, i.e. with AND and OR gates.

Let's have a look at the example of a 2-bit half adder: "Logic that adds two numbers and produces a sum bit (S) and carry bit (C)."

The truth table looks as follows (a and b are inputs, S (sum) and C (carry) are outputs):

a b S C
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1

This can also be written as equations with functions of boolean algebra (using so called minterms):

S = ~a*b + a*~b
C = a*b


That also explains the term "sum of products" (SOP).

For better readability the * are often omitted, leaving us with:

S = ~ab + a~b
C = ab

The conversion from truth table to boolean algebra is done with a Python implementation of the Quine McCluskey algorithm. Please note that these optimizations are not really required as the ASIC toolchain will take care of optimization (and know the kind of hardware cells being available on the target hardware), but it helps to understand own digital designs and their implementation.

The algorithm basically performs the following steps (be careful as this concept image does not match the previously used example):


Further read: Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle - Université de Montréal: LOGIC SYNTHESIS AND TWO LEVEL LOGIC OPTIMIZATION

Tiny Tapeout

See also:


Feel free to contribute, open issues, work on existing issues, etc. To contribute to the project, fork this GitHub repository and create a pull request. Detailed instructions can be found at I'll be happy to review the code diff and eventually merge it into the original repo here.

Some TODOs or ideas are already visible in the issues tab. Especially have a look at the issues labeled good first issue and help wanted.