maestrx / nagrestconf-python

python API binding for mclarkson/nagrestconf
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python API binding for mclarkson/nagrestconf

Aim: Can be used as a standalone tool to run REST commands or included in Python code and use a APi binding

usage: [-h] [-s SERVER] [-r REQUEST] [-p] [-j] [-d DATA] [-v|vv|vvv|vvvv] [-D DELIMITER] [-f FILTER]


optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SERVER, --server SERVER Server URI to connect to. It may include HTTP auth data. Ex: https://user:password@restserver/rest Server argument can be saved in ~/.nagrestconf in form [client] \n server=http://xxx/rest -r REQUEST, --request REQUEST Request to run: show/hosts, apply/nagiosconfig, etc. OR shortcuts: cn => check/nagiosconfig , sh => show/hosts , ss => show/services , sn => show/contacts , sm => show/commands , mh => modify/hosts , ms => modify/services , mn => modify/contacts , mm => modify/commands , dh => delete/hosts , ds => delete/services , dn => delete/contacts , dm => delete/commands , ah => add/hosts , as => add/services , an => add/contacts , am => add/commands , rn => restart/nagios , nc => apply/nagiosconfig , nl => apply/nagioslastgoodconfig -p, --post Run POST request. Needed for all calls except for check and show. Shortcut calls does not need this. -j, --json Show result in JSON format -d DATA, --data DATA Request data pairs (name=value) separated by comma with no spaces. Ex: name=monitoredhost1,svcdesc=ssh,command=check_ssh -v, --verbose Verbose level. Default verbosity is ERROR. Each -v increases the log level by one step -D DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER Delimiter for the pipe output -f FILTER, --filter FILTER Filter rule pairs (name=value) separated by comma with no spaces. Ex: name=monitoredhost1,svcdesc=ssh,command=check_ssh -F FOLDER, --folder FOLDER Folder to target. Default:local

Examples: -s -r show/hosts -s -r mh -d name=host1,ipaddress= -s -r sh -f name=host1 -s -r sh -f name=host1 -D'\t'

from nagrestconf import nagrestconf import logging

def objSeek(obj,name): for ind,val in enumerate(obj): if name in val: return val[name] return None

nrc=nagrestconf('') res,naghosts=nrc.showhosts() if not res: logging.exception('Failed to get list of hosts from nagrestconf with error: %s',naghosts) for naghid,nagh in enumerate(naghosts): print objSeek(nagh, 'name'), objSeek(nagh, 'ipaddress')