magao-x / MagAOX

The MagAO-X Software System
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The MagAO-X Software System

Status of Rocky test build Status of Ubuntu test build Status of container build

Handbook: | C++ docs: Status of Doxygen build

This is the software which runs the MagAO-X ExAO system.

1 Dependencies

  1. mxlib ( For a MagAO-X machine change the prefix to /usr/local in the mxlib install
  2. libudev (for introspective device discovery). Get from package manager.
  3. zlib (compression for INDI). Get from package manager:
    • zlib-devel [centOS-7]
    • zlib1g-dev [ubuntu]
  4. flatbuffers ( To build and install the flatc compiler and install the include files in /usr/local:
    $ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    $ make
    $ sudo make install

2 Software Configuration

For a standard build, nothing needs to be done here. However, various defaults can be changed with macros. To override at build time, the following macros can be redefined in local/ For example to change the MAGAOX_env_path environment variable, one could add

CXXFLAGS += -DMAGAOX_env_path="/my/magaox/path"

to local/

2.1 Environment Variables

These are defined in libMagAOX/common/environment.hpp. They do not need to be set, but can be used to override relevant defaults.

2.2 Default Values

These are values which might be changed for different components. These are defined in libMagAOX/common/defaults.hpp. They do not normally need to be changed, but these macros can be used to override relevant defaults.




2.3 Config Values

These are values which should change for all components of MagAO-X. These are defined in libMagAOX/common/config.hpp. They do not normally need to be changed for a typical build, but these macros can be used to override relevant defaults.


MAGAOX_RT_SCHED_POLICY is the real-time scheduling policy. The result is SCHED_FIFO.

2.4 Paths

These are defined in libMagAOX/common/paths.hpp. They do not normally need to be changed, but these macros can be used to override the relevant defaults.

3 Building

Typing make in the MagAOX top-level directory will build the entire system.

Each app (subfolders of the apps directory) and each utilitiy (subfolders of the utils directory) have a Makefile. Typing make in any of those folders should build just that component, along with any dependencies (usually including libMagAOX).

Note the difference between the apps and utils components, is that upon install MagAO-X Applications get setuid, whereas the utilities do not.

Some notes:

3.1 Selective Build

It is sometimes necessary or desired to not build some parts of the system. For instance on a machine on which not all dependencies are installed. The make files allow the following to be turned off


To prevent linking against the CACAO library, define CACAO=false in local/ Note that this has not been tested in a long time and will probably faile completely.


To prevent linking against the EDT framegrabber library, define EDT=false in local/ This will prevent building the ocam2KCtrl and andorCtrl apps.


To prevent linking against the Princeton Instruments PICam library, define PICAM=false in local/ This will prevent building the picamCtrl app.


To prevent linking against the Basler Pylon library, define Pylon=false in local/ This will prevent building the baslerCtrl app.

4 Software Install

The software install process (from BIOS setup to building the MagAO-X software) is described in detail in setup/ To the extent practicable, this is automated by the scripts in setup/ that take over after CentOS is installed.

Directory structure

Directory Description
/opt/MagAOX MagAOX system directory
/opt/MagAOX/bin Contains all applications
/opt/MagAOX/calib magao-x/calib repo for instrument calibration files
/opt/MagAOX/config magao-x/config repo for instrument config files
/opt/MagAOX/drivers Symlinks for INDI
/opt/MagAOX/drivers/fifos FIFOs for INDI
/opt/MagAOX/logs Directory where logs are written by the applications
/opt/MagAOX/rawimages Directory where raw images are written by the applications
/opt/MagAOX/secrets Directory containing device passwords, etc.
/opt/MagAOX/source Directory containing clones of this repo, cacao-org/cacao, jaredmales/mxlib , jaredmales/milkzmq
/opt/MagAOX/sys Directory for application status files, e.g. PID lock-files
/opt/MagAOX/vendor Vendor software packages (anything we aren't frequent committers to ourselves)

This directory structure is #define-ed in libMagAOX/common/defaults.hpp. System directories are created and permissions are set by setup/steps/ If permissions get out of whack, it is safe to re-run that script.

On install, symlinks are made for utility executables from /usr/local/bin to /opt/MagAOX/bin.

5 Documentation

The code is more-or-less carefully documented with doxygen

6 To-Do

To-do items are listed in the above sections. Also see the Todo page in the doxygen html. Other misc. items below: