magda-io / magda-ckan-connector

A Magda connector for CKAN data sources
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Magda Ckan Connector

CI Workflow Release

Magda connectors go out to external datasources and copy their metadata into the Registry, so that they can be searched and have other aspects attached to them. A connector is simply a docker-based microservice that is invoked as a job. It scans the target datasource (usually an open-data portal), then completes and shuts down.

Magda Ckan Connector is created for crawling data from Ckan data source.

Release Registry

Since v2.0.0, we use Github Container Registry as our official Helm Chart & Docker Image release registry.

It's recommended to deploy connectors with as dependencies of a Magda helm deployment.

  - name: magda-ckan-connector
    version: "2.0.0"
    alias: connector-xxx
    repository: "oci://"
      - connectors
      - connector-xxx


Kubernetes: >= 1.21.0

Repository Name Version
oci:// magda-common 2.0.1


Key Type Default Description
config.allowedOrganisationNames string nil allowOrganisationNames: a list of organisation names that will be allowed to be harvested. should an array of string;
config.customJsFilterCode string "" Custome JS filter code to filter out records the code will be executed with the following variables available in the context: - jsonData: the rawJson record data retrieved by connector directly from remote API. Also the record to be filtered; - recordType: a string represent the type of the record. e.g. "Organization" "Dataset" "Distribution" the code should return a boolean value to indicate whether the record should be filtered out (true) or not (false) Any non-false return value (or no return value) will be treated as false
config.extras string nil extras: an object whose data will be copied to records' source aspect as additional data automatically should be an object with key-value pairs string "dga" Unique id to identify this connector and records that are harvested from it
config.ignoreHarvestSources list ["*"] CKAN-specific config: what harvest sources to ignore. * will ignore everything that's been harvested from another portal
config.ignoreOrganisationNames string nil ignoreOrganisationNames: a list of organisation names that will be ignored to be harvested. should an array of string; string "" Friendly readable name
config.pageSize int 100 When crawling through from beginning to end, how big should the individual requests be in records?
config.presetRecordAspects string nil Any aspects that will be preset on any records created by the connector This field should be an array of objects with the following fields: - id: aspect id - opType: operation type; Describe how to add the aspect to the record (Default value (If not specified) will be MERGE_LEFT) - MERGE_LEFT: merge presetAspect with records aspects. - i.e. presetAspect will be overwritten by records aspects data if any - MEREG_RIGHT: merge records aspects with presetAspect. - i.e. records aspects data (if any) will be overwritten by presetAspect - REPLACE: presetAspect will replace any existing records aspect - FILL: presetAspect will be added if no existing aspect - recordType``: Describes which type of records this aspect will be added to; If this field is omitted, the aspect will be added to every records. -data`: Object; aspect data
config.schedule string "" Crontab schedule for how often this should happen. default = "0 14 6" i.e. 12am Sydney time on Sunday
config.sourceUrl string "" The base URL of the place to source data from
createConfigMap bool true
createFunction bool false
defaultImage.imagePullSecret bool false
defaultImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
defaultImage.repository string ""
defaultSettings object {"includeCronJobs":true,"includeInitialJobs":false} defaultSettings Chart level .Values.includeInitialJobs is higher priority than The value of includeInitialJobs or includeCronJobs is determined by: - .Values.includeInitialJobs if its value is set - Then if its value is set - Then .Values.defaultSettings.includeInitialJobs By default, .Values.includeInitialJobs is not set. Therefore, if is not set, .Values.defaultSettings.includeInitialJobs will be used.
defaultTenantId int 0
global.connectors.image object {}
global.image object {}
global.openfaas object {} string "magda-ckan-connector"
includeCronJobs bool true see defaultSettings
includeInitialJobs string nil see defaultSettings
resources.limits.cpu string "100m"
resources.requests.cpu string "50m"
resources.requests.memory string "30Mi"
secrets string nil Set a list of secrets that pass to function (this config field is only for deploying connector code as openfaas functions) Secrets are accessible from /var/openfaas/secrets/<secret-name> as file