magec / munin2graphite

This gem will install as a daemon and can be used to connect to a graphite and a carbon backend. It will not only post the data for the metrics but also create graphs into graphite, by means of a translation from munin-node.
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Extension/Customisation of munin2graphite #3

Closed octplane closed 12 years ago

octplane commented 12 years ago


First, thanks for having developed exactly what I needed today ! You made part of my day :)

My goal is to replicate munin's dashboard using graphite data so I need to:

I've seen that you have a special exporter for gdash so I was thinking of:

I haven't looked at munin2graphite too closely for now, but do you think this is easy to do ?

thank you very much !

magec commented 12 years ago

Well, the idea of munin2graphite was work as a daemon to submit the data into carbon (whisper) and to translate the graph information into the url api syntax of graphite. In my environment we use several nodes of munin2graphite to deal with many servers munin-node, and using the graphite webui we view the data. You can organize using different users and categories.

Either way, I understand that graphite webui could be better. The problem with the dashboards is that they're "metric" centric and not "graphic" centric so all of the work that munin2graphite does with the graph part can not be used there. There are some different approach like gdash but still a bit unmature (the entire solution is still under heavy development). The gdash exporter kind of work but it was just a one hour hack that I did to check gdash out.

Now, for what you plan to implement, munin2graphite creates an AST tree (Abstract Syntax Tree) with the munin config and uses it to translate to url graphs. It was intended to output urls but exporting to another kind of syntax is also possible (an actual proof could be gdash, thought a bit hacky). Take a closer look to gdash cause I think is close to what you plan to develop.

Im also looking for something to show the data in a better way, but the current (graphite webui) is useful enough by now. If you plan to "get your hands dirty" im willing to help you with the translating (munin2graphite related) stuff. Also that code is asking for a refactoring, given that all of this started up as a "proof of concept" that grew too much.

Byes, and thanks!