magec / munin2graphite

This gem will install as a daemon and can be used to connect to a graphite and a carbon backend. It will not only post the data for the metrics but also create graphs into graphite, by means of a translation from munin-node.
MIT License
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Munin2graphite is a munin-node to graphite translator. It works as a daemon that connects to a munin-node, and translates the data and the graphics into carbon/graphite.


To install munin2graphite you need a working ruby virtual machine with rubygems installed. Once you've got that, It's as easy as

gem install munin2graphite


Munin2graphite can be used to post data to graphite from any number of munin nodes you want. The idea is simple, there is bunch of workers that periodically ask for metrics to their munin-nodes and then post that data to carbon. Also, every time the daemon is run, the available graphs from the munin nodes are read, translated and posted into graphite as well.


You can either choose to use workers with different configuration or configure everything as global in the config file. A worker implies a new thread of execution with different configuration. Note that if you don't rewrite a given value on the worker, the one in the global config will be used.

Config Example

Imagine, for example, that we have two munin-nodes in two different servers (, Let's say that one munin node has, in turn 2 nodes configured on it and the other just one ( and We also have one graphite server and one carbon server ( and, they can be on the same machine on in a different one. A valid config file for this would be:

# Log config
# log: The logfile, STDOUT if stdout is needed
# log_level: Either DEBUG, INFO or WARN

# Carbon backend
# This has to point to the carbon backend to submit metrics

# Graphite endpoint
# The url of the grphite-web application this is used to config the graphs

# prefix for the metrics usually, the user name have to be put as a prefix

# The period for sending the metrics
# its format is the one of rufus-scheduler    

# The munin node hostname and its port

# Apart from the global configuration, you can define workers so a new thread is opened with the new configuration,
# this is particulary useful when you have a single munin-node with several nodes configured and want to send different graphs
# with different prefixes



Running it

You can run it either as a daemon or as an executable. To run it as an executable, just call it with the config file.

munin2graphite config.conf

There is also a daemon version, bassically the same thing but wrapped up with the daemons gem. Its usage is as follows. By default the config file location will be /etc/munin2graphite/munin2graphite.conf. This daemon also supports to be run from /etc/init.d by means of a symbolic link.

Usage: munin-graphite.rb <command> <options> -- <application options>

* where <command> is one of:
  start         start an instance of the application
  stop          stop all instances of the application
  restart       stop all instances and restart them afterwards
  reload        send a SIGHUP to all instances of the application
  run           start the application and stay on top
  zap           set the application to a stopped state
  status        show status (PID) of application instances

* and where <options> may contain several of the following:

  -t, --ontop                      Stay on top (does not daemonize)
  -f, --force                      Force operation
  -n, --no_wait                    Do not wait for processes to stop

Common options:
  -h, --help                       Show this message
      --version                    Show version


You better start testing the conf with the not daemonized mode and then swap to the daemon, another aproarch is to use the daemon but adding a -t (stay on top) when running.

Contributing to munin2graphite


Copyright (c) 2011 Jose Fernandez (magec). See LICENSE.txt for further details.