magec / munin2graphite

This gem will install as a daemon and can be used to connect to a graphite and a carbon backend. It will not only post the data for the metrics but also create graphs into graphite, by means of a translation from munin-node.
MIT License
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Munin2Graphite seems to be broken on 0.9.10 #7

Open nadenf opened 12 years ago

nadenf commented 12 years ago

If you don't have a graphite_metric_prefix it will generate all stats with a leading period e.g.


It looks like this was okay in previous versions but not any more. It needs to be just be:


So there needs to be a fix made to scheduler.rb.

nadenf commented 12 years ago

There also needs to be a fix made to ast_node.rb.

I know less than nothing about Python so I ended up just deleting all references to the prefix: