The extension helps to discover configuration and technical issues within a magento installation. It's target group are developers.
The HealthCheck provides the developer with internal information about technical issues. It implements a plugin architecture that makes it easy to execute included default checks or even create new checks. The checks can be executed in Magento backend, by cron, or even via web service.
Each check is build in an own plugin, which is simply a model class extending the abstract class Hackathon_HealthCheck_Model_Check_Abstract. Additionally it is configured in config.xml as described in detail below.
Each check can work in two basic ways:
The plugin must return the check result as one of the following content-types configured in config.xml
For each plugin the supported Magento versions can be configured
<versions> <!-- supported magento versions (optional) -->
1.5.* <!-- all 1.5 versions -->
1.6.* <!-- all 1.6 versions --> <!-- only exactly -->
1.8.0.* <!-- all 1.8.0.* versions -->
<sitemap> <!-- name of the check -->
<model>hackathon_healthcheck/check_sitemap</model> <!-- used model class -->
<active>true</active> <!-- activation of this plugin (true|false) -->
<type>static</type> <!-- execution type (static|ondemand) -->
<content-type>plaintext</content-type> <!-- content type of the plugin result -->
<versions> <!-- supported magento versions (optional) -->
1.5.* <!-- all 1.5 versions -->
1.6.* <!-- all 1.6 versions --> <!-- only exactly -->
1.8.0.* <!-- all 1.8.0.* versions -->
We provide a dashboard in System > Healthcheck > Dashboard wich at the moment list every check and executes static-checks right away.
To create an own check plugin you simply have to extend the abstract class Hackathon_HealthCheck_Model_Check_Abstract and implement the only abstract method run() with your check logic. Afterwards register your plugin at the HealthCheck by adding the described XML-Code to the config.xml of your module. Done!
Be sure to pass the data you create in the way the respective Display-Type-Renderer needs it. More information on this will follow here:
* Plaintext
* Just put in a String which contains your message/data
public function throwPlaintextContent($message) {
$factory = Mage::getModel('hackathon_healthcheck/factory');
* Table
* Create an array with your table headers first:
$header = array(
* Then fill up another array with your data and append it to the renderer
* You even can add css-classes via our helper to color your rows.
$status = $helper->__('Sitemap file not found');
$warn = array('_cssClasses' => $helper->getConst('WARN_TYPE_ERROR'));
// The other variables here just contain the row-information
$row = array ($id, $filename, $totalPath, $status);
$this->getContentRenderer()->addRow($row, $warn);
Now your check plugin should be visible in Magento backend and executed directly (static mode) or on click (ondemand mode). The results will be saved directyl by the HealthCheck framework.