LTS2 is an advanced FPC cache engine for Magento 1.x with nested blocks capability.
If you get an error empty your cache manually:
In standard installations you must clear the content of var/cache (be careful, do not remove the folder itself). If you have another cache engine like redis or memcache you will have to flush them or restart.
Just remove the files ;) Remember to remove app/code/local/Mage/Core/Block/Abstract.php
The LTS2 module configuration is entirely PHP driven for the best performance and flexibility. All the configration parameters are inside MSP_LTSR2_Model_Cache class.
You can configure LTS2 by modifying two class methods: _getActionCacheData and _getBlockCacheData .
Each method must return one PHP hash containing the following keys:
Defines caching options depending on the action.
Defines block caching options on cached actions.