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Cannot compile under BCPP 5.02 with TASM 5.0 (Win 98 SE) #21

Closed Maxwelldoug closed 3 years ago

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

Trying to compile geninc gives several errors related to missing files (which are in fact missing from source) and geninc32 simply states "Invalid target->/Ts" I'm banging my head against the wall here as my co-worker on this project, Sduensin, tells me he's managed to compile it fine in his build environment under windows 3.1 I've followed the instructions in build.txt until now, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

magiblot commented 3 years ago

Hi Doug!

Are you building from the IDE? I suggest you try the makefile instead. It will save you a lot of time; in fact I should just remove the IDE project since I no longer update it. Sorry for the confusion.

As the Readme says, the commands to build with the makefile are:

cd project
make.exe <options>

Where common options are -DDOS32, -DDEBUG, -DTVDEBUG, etc. See for more details.

The commands above work out-of-the-box for me, using BCPP 4.52 and TASM 4.0. Can you please try if it works for you?


Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

ah, that might explain a bit. I'll try that, thanks.

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

Nope. Still not compiling. and now I can't read the errors because you can't scroll up in the DOS Prompt.

magiblot commented 3 years ago

Can you try redirecting MAKE's output with > or 2>?

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

I have, to output.log, but github does not work on IE 6.

magiblot commented 3 years ago

Then I recommend you to create a Windows XP virtual machine and build from there. It's well supported by VirtualBox/VMWare, so you can have dynamic resolutions, shared folders, etc. It's going to save you a lot of time.

In the meantime, does IE 6 support pastebin?

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

No it does not. I've mounted the VHD in windows's partition manager, here's the log. output.log

magiblot commented 3 years ago

Oh, this doesn't look good. It fails to run the command GENINC.EXE > TVWRITE.INC, but I can't see any error message. Can you check the contents of TVWRITE.INC?

magiblot commented 3 years ago

TVWRITE.INC gets deleted by make, so you may have to run that command manually.

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

GENINC.EXE is not present, compiler deleted it too.

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

Or it didn't compile in the first place.

magiblot commented 3 years ago

How strange. Anyway, all this hardship is not normal. Consider downgrading to BC++ 4.52, which works for both me and Scott (you will have to install the DOS PowerPack again).

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

DOS Power-whatnow?

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

Also I need to go, my next response may be delayed a significant bit but I will return

magiblot commented 3 years ago

The Borland PowerPack for DOS. It's a compiler extension that adds support for DPMI and DPMI32 builds. I'm not sure you also need it for regular DOS builds, but both me and Scott have it installed.

But still, I recommend you to migrate to (32-bit) Windows XP for development.

See you!

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

I had hoped to avoid that step given all the caveats that would bring about. (IE, not being able to transition to 86box for software testing without extra steps) but it's looking inevitable. thanks for the help.

magiblot commented 3 years ago

I updated the build instructions for Borland C++.

Maxwelldoug commented 3 years ago

Closing this as I've opened a new issue with a different problem later in the compiling.