This package contains the config files and instructions for running the Doosan robot with the XBot2 framework. It also contains a xbot2 example plugin to run a periodic motion on the robot.
At the moment, the package works with Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic.
Install the following system dependencies:
Install the source dependencies (depending on the build tool you prefer):
Let's first install its system dependencies ( and the source ones (e.g., serial), and then, if, for example, you are using catkin, it would be good to use the same workspace described below.
Clone, compile, and install the repo (and its dependencies), for example, using a catkin package:
# create and initialize the catkin ws
mkdir -p magician_ws && cd magician_ws
mkdir -p src && cd src && catkin_init_workspace
# assuming you are using https
git clone
# compile and install it
cd ..
catkin_make install #or catkin config --install && catkin build
Source the catkin package if you are using this build tool and possibly include this source in the .bashrc:
. magician_ws/devel/setup.bash
Set the xbot2 configuration file as described in the tutorial here:
set_xbot2_config doosan_xbot2/doosan_xbot2_config/doosan_xbot2_config.yaml
We offer an RViZ simulation of the Doosan robot, which you can run using the "dummy" control mode:
First Terminal
. magician_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch doosan_xbot2_config doosan_xbot2.launch
Second Terminal
. magician_ws/install/setup.bash
xbot2-core --hw dummy
Third Terminal We then offer the xbot2-gui to have a GUI to control and run plugins in the robot:
First Terminal From the server side, run gazebo with the xbot2 doosan support:
. magician_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch doosan_xbot2_gazebo doosan_xbot2_gazebo.launch
Second Terminal From the client side, run xbot2 in simulation mode:
. magician_ws/install/setup.bash
xbot2-core --hw sim
Third Terminal We then offer the xbot2-gui to have a GUI to control and run plugins in the robot:
We use CartesI/O to obtain online Cartesian control of the Doosan Robot.
After you run the robot (either in simulation or on the real robot), you need to start the ros_control plugin to have access to the robot through ROS:
rosservice call /xbotcore/ros_control/switch 1
And then launch CartesI/O for the Doosan cartesian control:
roslaunch doosan_cartesio doosan.launch
You can also run all the above using docker, following this: