Open arshaan-abh opened 8 months ago
I was in the same situation, so I cobbled together a definition file to solve the problem. It's far from perfect, but it's already calmed Typescript down a bit!
declare module "tailwind-easing-gradients" {
type Direction = "to top" | "to right" | "to bottom" | "to left";
type ColorMode = "lrgb";
type Type = "linear" | "radial";
type Easing = "ease" | "ease-in-out";
type GradientColors = [string, string];
type Variants = "responsive";
interface Settings {
easing: string;
color: GradientColors;
steps?: number;
interface Directions {
t?: Direction;
r?: Direction;
b?: Direction;
l?: Direction;
interface Gradients {
[key: string]: GradientColors | Settings;
interface Options {
variants?: Variants[];
directions?: Directions;
gradients?: Gradients;
alphaDecimals?: number;
colorMode?: ColorMode;
type?: Type;
easing?: Easing;
colorStops?: number;
interface PluginArgs {
e: (className: string) => string;
addUtilities: (
utilities: CSSRuleObject | CSSRuleObject[],
options?: Partial<{ respectPrefix: boolean; respectImportant: boolean }>
) => void;
export default function index(options?: Options): (args: PluginArgs) => void;
Feel free to improve it, it's just a temporary fix 🙂
I was in the same situation, so I cobbled together a definition file to solve the problem. It's far from perfect, but it's already calmed Typescript down a bit!
declare module "tailwind-easing-gradients" { type Direction = "to top" | "to right" | "to bottom" | "to left"; type ColorMode = "lrgb"; type Type = "linear" | "radial"; type Easing = "ease" | "ease-in-out"; type GradientColors = [string, string]; type Variants = "responsive"; interface Settings { easing: string; color: GradientColors; steps?: number; } interface Directions { t?: Direction; r?: Direction; b?: Direction; l?: Direction; } interface Gradients { [key: string]: GradientColors | Settings; } interface Options { variants?: Variants[]; directions?: Directions; gradients?: Gradients; alphaDecimals?: number; colorMode?: ColorMode; type?: Type; easing?: Easing; colorStops?: number; } interface PluginArgs { e: (className: string) => string; addUtilities: ( utilities: CSSRuleObject | CSSRuleObject[], options?: Partial<{ respectPrefix: boolean; respectImportant: boolean }> ) => void; } export default function index(options?: Options): (args: PluginArgs) => void; }
Feel free to improve it, it's just a temporary fix 🙂
I kept getting these ESlint errors:
So, I researched a bit and found out a solution here. But when I implemented the solution, I figured out that there is no declaration file for this plugin:
Therefore, a Typescript declaration file would do good.