Based largely on @benface’s GitHub - benface/tailwindcss-gradients: Tailwind CSS plugin to generate gradient background utilities. The color functions are from @larsenwork’s GitHub - larsenwork/postcss-easing-gradients: PostCSS plugin to create smooth linear-gradients that approximate easing functions.
npm install tailwind-easing-gradients
// In your Tailwind CSS config
plugins: [
variants: ['responsive'],
// required
gradients: {
'ex1': ['#a4e', '#03d'], // must be two colors
'ex2': { easing: 'ease-in-out', steps: 5, color: ['#4ae', '#0da'] },
'ex3': { easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.48, 0.3, 0.64, 1)', color: ['#4ae', '#0da'] },
'ex4': { easing: 'steps(4, skip-none)', color: ['#4ae', '#0da'] }
// defaults
alphaDecimals: 5,
colorMode: 'lrgb',
type: 'linear',
easing: 'ease', // default settings
colorStops: 15,
directions: {
't': 'to top',
'r': 'to right',
'b': 'to bottom',
'l': 'to left'
You can overwrite the easing, type, colorStops per gradient.
is the default, see for more examples
is the default, you could use radial, but you will need to create a compatible direction
See here for more info
is the default. A lower number creates a more "low poly" gradient with less code but a higher risk of banding.
is the default. A lower number can result in banding.
This plugin generates the following utilities:
/* configurable with the "directions" and "gradients" options */
.bg-easing-[direction-name]-[gradient-name] {
background-image: linear-gradient(