magmo / apps

Proof of concept applications that use the Force Move Game framework.
9 stars 5 forks source link
ethereum state-channels

Magmo Apps

Welcome to the Magmo mono-repo, home of several proof-of-concept applications built on our state channel protocols.

For more information

On our website you will find links to our whitepapers and contact information. Whether you simply want to try out our apps, or get involved more deeply we would love to hear your thoughts. Deployed versions of our games may be accessed with these links:

Getting Started

Setting up development environment and running a game application

You will need yarn installed (see here for instructions). After cloning the code,

  1. In the top directory, run yarn install.

  2. Run npx lerna bootstrap.

  3. Start ganache by running yarn ganache:start in one of the package directories.

  4. (In a new shell) Run the wallet via yarn start in the wallet package directory

  5. (In a new shell) Run a game (either RPS or TTT) via yarn start in the relevant package directory.

  6. Add MetaMask to your browser, and point it to localhost:3001 to view the application. You will need to import one of our (testnet-only) seed accounts into metamask to have funds to transact.

    1. Open the metamask browser extension
    2. Click on the account icon (circle in the top right)
    3. Select "Import"
    4. Paste in one of these secret keys.

You may visit the app in two different browsers in order to play against yourself. We use Redux DevTools to develop and test our apps.


All default configuration values are located in the .env and .env.production files. These can be overridden by adding a .env.local or .env.production.local and specifying values there.

To run storybook

We use Storybook to view our react components during development. You can start Storybook by running:

yarn storybook

in the relevant package directory. This will fire up the Storybook panel inside a browser.

To create an optimized production build:

  1. Optionally override the TARGET_NETWORK by setting the value in your .env.production.local file. Otherwise the application will be built against the ropsten test network.
  2. Build the application:

    yarn run build

To deploy smart contracts

  1. Add test eth to your account for the deployment using an eth faucet: or
  2. Set TARGET_NETWORK in your .env.local file to the network you want to deploy to: either 'development', 'ropsten', 'kovan' or 'rinkeby'.
  3. Deploy the contracts to the network: yarn deployContracts Alternatively, simply run, e.g. TARGET_NETWORK=ropsten yarn deployContracts.

Running Tests specific to a certain app

From the relevant subdirectory...

yarn test:app
yarn test:contracts
yarn test
npx lerna bootstrap
npx lerna add [dependency name] --scope=[target package]

This installs the latest version of the dependency to the target package (ttt, rps or wallet). Use --dev flag to add the new package to devDependencies instead of dependencies.

yarn upgrade [package-name@version-number]


We are working hard to produce documenation for our applications. In the interim, please see our Developer Handbook, which as some of the hints and tips for developing on ethereum that we have used to develop our apps. You will also find some information in the /notes/ subdirectory of each app.


Frequently, problems can be sorted by one or more of the following steps:

Otherwise, please check issues, someone else may have had the same experience. You may find a solution -- if not, please add to or create an issue.


We welcome contributions! If you want to contribute, you should be aware of the following conventions:


Prettier is configured via .prettierrc. Tests will fail if code does not satisfy the rules specificied in .prettierrc. We suggest that you configure your editor to auto-format using prettier, or that you run it in a pre-commit git hook. You can also run yarn prettier:write.


// ok

// ok

// tslint error

// tslint error

// no tslint error, but please avoid this

// no tslint error, but please avoid this