magnars / kaocha-runner.el

An emacs package for running Kaocha tests via CIDER.
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An emacs package for running Kaocha tests via CIDER.

Breaking: Commands in this package are now prefixed with kaocha-runner- instead of just kaocha-. Update your keybindings accordingly.


I highly recommend installing kaocha-runner through elpa.

It is available on melpa:

M-x package-install kaocha-runner


(use-package kaocha-runner
  :after (cider-mode))

Note that you must include kaocha in your dev dependencies for this to run in the repl. The kaocha docs suggests creating a separate :kaocha profile, but skip that if you want to run it from the repl.


Kaocha runner exposes the following commands:


Pick your own. Here are mine:

(define-key clojure-mode-map (kbd "C-c k t") 'kaocha-runner-run-test-at-point)
(define-key clojure-mode-map (kbd "C-c k r") 'kaocha-runner-run-tests)
(define-key clojure-mode-map (kbd "C-c k a") 'kaocha-runner-run-all-tests)
(define-key clojure-mode-map (kbd "C-c k w") 'kaocha-runner-show-warnings)
(define-key clojure-mode-map (kbd "C-c k h") 'kaocha-runner-hide-windows)

With use-package, something like:

(use-package kaocha-runner
  :after (cider-mode)
  :bind (:map clojure-mode-map
              ("C-c k t" . kaocha-runner-run-test-at-point)
              ("C-c k r" . kaocha-runner-run-tests)
              ("C-c k a" . kaocha-runner-run-all-tests)
              ("C-c k w" . kaocha-runner-show-warnings)
              ("C-c k h" . kaocha-runner-hide-windows)))


The way kaocha-runner invokes kaocha is guided by two custom vars:

So by default, kaocha-runner does this when running tests:

(do (require 'kaocha.repl) (kaocha.repl/run {:kaocha/fail-fast? true}))

You can change this by changing the custom vars mentioned above.

Note that kaocha-runner does not evaluate your code in any way. You'll have to evaluate the code first, with a (reset) or just C-c C-k in the buffer.

To remedy this, you can change the kaocha-runner-repl-invocation-template to include a reset of your choice.

Also, if you want to shave ~150ms from each test run, you can remove the require from the template. In that case, you'll have to require it yourself.

Visual customisation

If the default red/green/yellow doesn't work for you, the faces are customisable:

You can also customise the tests, failure, and output window heights by setting the following custom vars to the desired value:


Copyright (C) 2019 Magnar Sveen

Author: Magnar Sveen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see