magnusbornes / Copy-MbTeamsWiki

Script that lets you copy a Wiki from one Team Channel to another.
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This PowerShell script lets you copy any Teams Wiki from Standard og Private Channels to any other Channel.
(It might work with Shared Channels to, but I never tested that.)

How to use:

1.  Open Teams.
2.  Right-click, and copy link to the tab in the Channel where the Wiki is located.
        This is your sourceUrl.
3.  Either, Create a new Teams Wiki tab in the target Channel and copy the link, or copy the link to the Channel (Right-click in left menu!).
        This is your targetUrl. (I recommend doing the former option...)

$SourceUrl = ""

$TargetUrl = ""

Copy-MbTeamWiki.ps1 -SourceUrl "$"SourceUrl -TargetUrl "$"TargetUrl

This will copy Wiki from the provided source tab, to the provided target tab.

As Teams Wiki is being depricated, this script has purose for a limited amout of time.
Therefore I have not spent a lot of time optimizing the script with parallelization and what not.

The script is pretty messy, but hey; if it works – don't fix it, am I right? I also only have a couple of years of experience with PowerShell, so bear with me.

"Known" issues:

Created by me, Magnus Børnes @ Norwegian University of Science and Technology, August 2023.