mah533 / Augmentation-of-ECG-Training-Dataset-with-CGAN

Imbalanced MIT-BIH dataset is augmented with the generated beats by WGAN-GP and AC-WGAN-GP to improve the classification metrics.
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paper: Arrhythmia Classification using CGAN-augmented ECG Signals


please cite as:
title={Arrhythmia Classification using CGAN-augmented ECG Signals},
author={Adib, Edmond and Afghah, Fatemeh and Prevost, John J},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.00569},

the read/save paths in the file ("") should adjusted according to your filing system

download the MITBIH dataset file ("_record_X_y_adapt_win_bef075_aft075Normalized.json") from Google Drive via the following link and place it in the proper folder accordingly:

raw signals (from PhysioNet website are segmented according to an adaptive window scheme: heart rate (R-R distance) is calculated at each beat and 75% of the distance before and after each R-peak are used as the cutoffs for segmentations. The individual beats are put in a dictionary. The keys are the record numbers and the values are lists of segmented beats.

link to all data in MITBIH Arhythmia dataset in 'dictionary' format:

link to the 7 classes of real data used in this study: