mahozad / android-pie-chart

Highly customizable Android library for drawing Pie and Donut charts.
Apache License 2.0
45 stars 5 forks source link
android android-library chart charting charting-library donut-chart donutchart doughnut-chart kotlin kotlin-library pie-chart piechart plotting ring-chart ringchart visualization

Codecov Latest Maven Central release Kotlin

A Pie/Donut*/Ring chart for Android, customizable to the most extent possible.
For tutorial and examples refer to the website.

| Screenshot 1 | Screenshot 2 | Screenshot 3 | Screenshot 4 | Screenshot 5 | |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| | ![Screenshot 2] | ![Screenshot 1] | ![Screenshot 3] | ![Screenshot 4] | ![Screenshot 5] |



XML layout

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

Kotlin Activity

val pieChart = findViewById<PieChart>(
pieChart.slices = listOf(
    PieChart.Slice(0.2f, Color.BLUE),
    PieChart.Slice(0.4f, Color.MAGENTA),
    PieChart.Slice(0.3f, Color.YELLOW),
    PieChart.Slice(0.1f, Color.CYAN)

Jetpack Compose

fun PieChartView() {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
        factory = { context ->
            PieChart(context).apply {
                slices = listOf(
                    PieChart.Slice(0.2f, Color.BLUE),
                    PieChart.Slice(0.4f, Color.MAGENTA),
                    PieChart.Slice(0.3f, Color.YELLOW),
                    PieChart.Slice(0.1f, Color.CYAN)
        update = { view ->
            // View's been inflated or state read in this block has been updated
            // Add logic here if necessary


Please help improve the library by fixing the issues that I couldn't tackle myself.
Any other contributions are also welcome.

Or Doughnut*