With this TYPO3 extension you can create responsive image maps in the backend. This extension ships an image editor that can be used to add areas and information to an image.
Frontend output with configuration of example PageTS
In this example the focus areas are animated via SVG. The additional information are displayed next to the image with some delay.
Install via composer
composer require blueways/bw-focuspoint-images
Include TypoScript
Enable the extension in the Extension Manager and include the static TypoScript template or manually include setup and constants.
Define your own wizard fields
There are no default fields defined! An example with working frontend output can be found in the PageTS section.
Add the new content element "Image with Focuspoints" to any page, link a new image and start adding your focus areas.
To configure the fields in the focus point wizard, use the following PageTS settings. You can choose between text, textarea, select and link inputs in the wizard.
This example configuration is used to generate the output shown in Example 1
mod.tx_bwfocuspointimages.settings.fields {
name {
title = LLL:EXT:bw_focuspoint_images/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:wizard.fields.name
type = text
description {
title = LLL:EXT:bw_focuspoint_images/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:wizard.fields.description
type = textarea
color {
title = LLL:EXT:bw_focuspoint_images/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:wizard.fields.color
type = select
options {
red = LLL:EXT:bw_focuspoint_images/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:wizard.fields.color.red
green = LLL:EXT:bw_focuspoint_images/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:wizard.fields.color.green
blue = LLL:EXT:bw_focuspoint_images/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:wizard.fields.color.blue
link {
title = LLL:EXT:bw_focuspoint_images/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:wizard.fields.link
type = link
You can customize the display of the link wizard. Use the additional linkPopup
to change the list of allowed file extensions, the displayed link fields or link options. The configuration is done like for link inputs.
mod.tx_bwfocuspointimages.settings.fields {
email {
title = Hide all wizard tabs but email
type = link
linkPopup {
blindLinkOptions = file, folder, page, spec, telephone, url
pdf {
title = Only files of .pdf or .docx extension
type = link
linkPopup {
blindLinkFields = pdf, docx
blindLinkOptions = email, folder, page, spec, telephone, url
blindLinkFields = class, params, target, title
To override templates set your own paths via constants:
plugin.tx_bwfocuspointimages {
view {
templateRootPath =
partialRootPath =
layoutRootPath =
To use the default rendering of fluid_styled_content, set Layout
and Partial path to your styles.content
setting and use the Default
layout in your FocuspointImage template file.
The table sys_file_references
extended for the field focus_points
. This field is used to save the settings made in the backend editor in json format.
To use the editor in other content elements with FAL images, use the following TCA to activate the palette:
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['your_list_type']['columnsOverrides'] = [
'assets' => [
'config' => [
'overrideChildTca' => [
'types' => [
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File::FILETYPE_IMAGE => [
'showitem' => 'focus_points,--palette--;;filePalette'
'columns' => [
'uid_local' => [
'config' => [
'appearance' => [
'elementBrowserAllowed' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext']
This snippet assumes that references are done via assets
column. Change this to your needs.
To decode the JSON data and use the information in your template, use the FocuspointProcessor
tt_content.your_list_type {
dataProcessing {
15 = Blueways\BwFocuspointImages\DataProcessing\FocuspointProcessor
15 {
references.fieldName = assets
as = image
In version 3.0.0
the configuration of focuspoint fields has been moved to PageTS in order to make different settings possible in the page tree.
Old TypoScript: plugin.tx_bwfocuspointimages.settings.fields..
New PageTS: mod.tx_bwfocuspointimages.settings.fields..
Just move your existing configuration to PageTS and adjust the prefix from plugin
to mod
This extension was made by Maik Schneider: Feel free to contribute!