mailgun / groupcache

Clone of golang/groupcache with TTL and Item Removal support
Apache License 2.0
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A modified version of group cache with support for context.Context, go modules, and explicit key removal and expiration. See the CHANGELOG for a complete list of modifications.


groupcache is a caching and cache-filling library, intended as a replacement for memcached in many cases.

For API docs and examples, see

Modifications from original library

Comparing Groupcache to memcached

Like memcached, groupcache:

Unlike memcached, groupcache:

Loading process

In a nutshell, a groupcache lookup of Get("foo") looks like:

(On machine #5 of a set of N machines running the same code)

  1. Is the value of "foo" in local memory because it's super hot? If so, use it.

  2. Is the value of "foo" in local memory because peer #5 (the current peer) is the owner of it? If so, use it.

  3. Amongst all the peers in my set of N, am I the owner of the key "foo"? (e.g. does it consistent hash to 5?) If so, load it. If other callers come in, via the same process or via RPC requests from peers, they block waiting for the load to finish and get the same answer. If not, RPC to the peer that's the owner and get the answer. If the RPC fails, just load it locally (still with local dup suppression).


import (


func ExampleUsage() {

    // NOTE: It is important to pass the same peer `` to `NewHTTPPoolOpts`
    // which is provided to `pool.Set()` so the pool can identify which of the peers is our instance.
    // The pool will not operate correctly if it can't identify which peer is our instance.

    // Pool keeps track of peers in our cluster and identifies which peer owns a key.
    pool := groupcache.NewHTTPPoolOpts("", &groupcache.HTTPPoolOptions{})

    // Add more peers to the cluster You MUST Ensure our instance is included in this list else
    // determining who owns the key accross the cluster will not be consistent, and the pool won't
    // be able to determine if our instance owns the key.
    pool.Set("", "", "")

    server := http.Server{
        Addr:    "",
        Handler: pool,

    // Start a HTTP server to listen for peer requests from the groupcache
    go func() {
        if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
    defer server.Shutdown(context.Background())

    // Create a new group cache with a max cache size of 3MB
    group := groupcache.NewGroup("users", 3000000, groupcache.GetterFunc(
        func(ctx context.Context, id string, dest groupcache.Sink) error {

            // Returns a protobuf struct `User`
            user, err := fetchUserFromMongo(ctx, id)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            // Set the user in the groupcache to expire after 5 minutes
            return dest.SetProto(&user, time.Now().Add(time.Minute*5))

    var user User

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Millisecond*500)
    defer cancel()

    if err := group.Get(ctx, "12345", groupcache.ProtoSink(&user)); err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("-- User --\n")
    fmt.Printf("Id: %s\n", user.Id)
    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", user.Name)
    fmt.Printf("Age: %d\n", user.Age)
    fmt.Printf("IsSuper: %t\n", user.IsSuper)

    // Remove the key from the groupcache
    if err := group.Remove(ctx, "12345"); err != nil {


The call to groupcache.NewHTTPPoolOpts() is a bit misleading. NewHTTPPoolOpts() creates a new pool internally within the groupcache package where it is uitilized by any groups created. The pool returned is only a pointer to the internallly registered pool so the caller can update the peers in the pool as needed.