maivantan1992 / simpleShoppingCart

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Assignment - Mai Van Tan

Building for docker

To build the assignment application, run:

./mvnw verify -Pprod dockerfile:build

Using Docker to run

You can use Docker Compose to run in src/main/docker

docker-compose up -d

Using Swagger

Access swagger dashboard at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

API Using


The application not have user, role management, spring security so all endpoint are open to access.

Each user should only have 1 cart that strict belong to user session info, but with this context each cart is hold an id instead of belong to 1 user.

For this small assginment, I skip to take care about history tracking, audit, concurrency access resource.

API User Guide

You can use the payload from swagger dashboard but for create do not input id value, use id when update.

Use POST /api/shopping-carts to init shopping cart before put item to cart.