maize-tech / laravel-magic-login

Easily add passwordless authentication into your application
MIT License
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authentication laravel login magic-auth magic-login passwordless

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# Laravel Magic Login [![Latest Version on Packagist](]( [![GitHub Tests Action Status](]( [![GitHub Code Style Action Status](]("Fix+PHP+code+style+issues"+branch%3Amain) [![Total Downloads](]( Easily add passwordless authentication into your application. ## Installation You can install the package via composer: ```bash composer require maize-tech/laravel-magic-login ``` You can publish the config and migration files and run the migrations with: ```bash php artisan magic-login:install ``` This is the contents of the published config file: ```php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Login model |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the fully qualified class name of the magic login | model. | By default, the value is Maize\MagicLogin\Models\MagicLogin::class | */ 'model' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Expiration time |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the amount of minutes before the magic login link | expires. | By default, the value is 120 minutes (2 hours). | */ 'expiration' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authentication guard |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the guard you want to use to authenticate the user. | The guard name must be defined in your application's auth.php config file. | By default, the value is 'web'. | */ 'guard' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Default redirect url |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the redirect url used by default if none is specified | when creating the magic link. | */ 'redirect_url' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Exception class |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the default exception class used for all package | related exceptions. | Useful if you need to customize the http status code in case an exception | is thrown during the magic login process. | By default, the value is Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException::class | */ 'exception' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Force single link |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can specify whether a user can only have one valid magic link | at a time or not. | If true, when you generate a new magic link for a specific user all | previously generated links will be revoked. | By default, the value is true. | */ 'force_single' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Logins limit |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can specify the amount of logins a user can perform with the | same magic link. | Can be either -1, which lets the user login indefinitely, or any number | greater than or equal to 1. | By default, the value is -1. | */ 'logins_limit' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Send Notification Action |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can specify the fully qualified class name of a custom action | used to send the magic login email notification. | By default, the value is Maize\MagicLogin\Actions\SendMagicLinkAction::class */ 'send_notification_action' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Notification class |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can specify the fully qualified class name of the magic link | email notification. | By default, the value is Maize\MagicLogin\Notifications\MagicLinkNotification::class */ 'notification' => null, 'route' => [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Route method |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the route's allowed methods. | By default, the value is 'GET'. | */ 'methods' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Route URI |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the route's uri. | By default, the value is 'magic-login'. | */ 'uri' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Route name |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the route's name. | By default, the value is 'magic-login'. | */ 'name' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Route controller |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the fully qualified class name of a custom controller | class used to handle the magic login request. | By default, the value is Maize\MagicLogin\Http\Controllers\MagicLoginController::class. | */ 'controller' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Route middlewares |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the list of middlewares used by the magic login route. | By default, the value is Maize\MagicLogin\Http\Middleware\ValidateSignature::class. | */ 'middleware' => null, ], ]; ``` ## Usage ### Basic To use the package, all you have to do is include the magic link route in your routes file. By default, you should include it under `routes/web.php`: ``` php use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; MagicLink::route(); ``` That's it! Once done, you can already generate an invitation link to any model extending the `Authenticatable` class using the `make` method: ``` php use App\Models\User; use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; $user = User::firstOrFail(); $magicLink = MagicLink::make( authenticatable: $user ); ``` ### Email notifications #### Send an email notification Optionally, you may also automatically send an email notification to the given user using the `send` method: ``` php use App\Models\User; use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; $user = User::firstOrFail(); $magicLink = MagicLink::send( authenticatable: $user ); ``` which is equals to using the `make` method with the `notify` parameter set to `true`: ``` php use App\Models\User; use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; $user = User::firstOrFail(); $magicLink = MagicLink::make( authenticatable: $user, notify: true ); ``` #### Customize the notification class When needed, you can customize the email notification. All you have to do is create your own notification and override the default `MagicLinkNotification` class: ``` php use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage; use Maize\MagicLogin\Notifications\MagicLinkNotification as BaseMagicLinkNotification; class MagicLinkNotification extends BaseMagicLinkNotification { public function toMail($notifiable): MailMessage { return (new MailMessage) ->line(__('This is my custom magic link notification message')) ->action(__('Join now'), $this->uri); } } ``` Finally, you can update the `notification` attribute under `config/magic-login.php` with the new class path. ### Force single link When enabled, users can only have one valid link at a time. This means that when a new link is created, all previously created links are invalidated. To enable this option, you can set the `force_single` attribute under `config/magic-login.php` to `true`. ### Magic link generator options The package offers many useful parameters for the `make` method to allow you customizing every single magic link: - [`Redirect url`](#redirect-url) - [`Expiration time`](#expiration-time) - [`Route name`](#route-name) - [`Authentication guard`](#authentication-guard) - [`Logins limit`](#logins-limit) - [`Custom metadata`](#custom-metadata) #### Redirect url You can provide a redirect url used after authenticating the user: ``` php use App\Models\User; use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; $user = User::firstOrFail(); $magicLink = MagicLink::send( authenticatable: $user, redirectUrl: 'yourapplication.test/your-path' ); ``` When not provided, the default value defined in `redirect_url` attribute under `config/magic-login.php` will be used. #### Expiration time You can define the amount of time before a magic link expires by providing a carbon instance or an integer with the amount of minutes: ``` php use App\Models\User; use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; $user = User::firstOrFail(); $magicLink = MagicLink::send( authenticatable: $user, expiration: now()->addDays(10), // the link will expire in 10 days ); $magicLink = MagicLink::send( authenticatable: $user, expiration: 60, // the link will expire in 1 hour (60 minutes) ); ``` When not provided, the default value defined in `expiration` attribute under `config/magic-login.php` will be used. #### Route name You can define the route name used to generate the magic link: ``` php use App\Models\User; use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; $user = User::firstOrFail(); $magicLink = MagicLink::send( authenticatable: $user, routeName: 'magic-link', ); ``` When not provided, the default value defined in `` attribute under `config/magic-login.php` will be used. #### Authentication guard You can define the authentication guard used to authenticate the user: ``` php use App\Models\User; use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; $user = User::firstOrFail(); $magicLink = MagicLink::send( authenticatable: $user, guard: 'api' // the 'api' auth guard will be used ); ``` When not provided, the default value defined in `guard` attribute under `config/magic-login.php` will be used. #### Logins limit You can define the amount of times a single link can be used before expiring. The value can be either -1, which lets the user login indefinitely, or any number greater than or equal to 1: ``` php use App\Models\User; use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; $user = User::firstOrFail(); $magicLink = MagicLink::send( authenticatable: $user, loginsLimit: 5 // the link can be used 5 times at max ); $magicLink = MagicLink::send( authenticatable: $user, loginsLimit: -1 // the link can be used an infinite amount of times ); ``` When not provided, the default value defined in `logins_limit` attribute under `config/magic-login.php` will be used. #### Custom metadata Optionally, you can store custom metadata in case you need to perform custom queries. ``` php use App\Models\User; use Maize\MagicLogin\Facades\MagicLink; use Maize\MagicLogin\Models\MagicLogin; $user = User::firstOrFail(); $magicLink = MagicLink::send( authenticatable: $user, metadata: ['test' => true] ); MagicLogin::query() ->whereJsonContains('metadata->test', true) ->count(); // returns 1 MagicLogin::query() ->whereJsonContains('metadata->test', false) ->count(); // returns 0 ``` ## Testing ```bash composer test ``` ## Changelog Please see [CHANGELOG]( for more information on what has changed recently. ## Contributing Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details. ## Security Vulnerabilities Please review [our security policy]( on how to report security vulnerabilities. ## Credits - [Enrico De Lazzari]( - [All Contributors](../../contributors) ## License The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.