makamys / DMod

Backport of foxes and bundles to 1.7.10
The Unlicense
9 stars 5 forks source link

downloads builds CurseForge


D-Mod is a mod that backports some features from later versions of Minecraft to 1.7.10. You could consider it an add-on to Et Futurum Requiem (though it's not a hard dependency).

Currently implemented:


Foxes have some (optional) extra features implemented. Untamed, they behave the same as they do in new vanilla versions. But as they defeat enemies, they gain EXP and unlock various new abilities and AI improvements.

The major ones are getting healed when fed food, following the owner after being fed a sweet berry, and possessing Looting I intrinsically (does not stack with swords that have Looting). Foxes pass down their EXP to their children.

More info in the wiki.



About nomixin builds

The mod comes in two flavors:


This mod is licensed under the Unlicense. It largely consists of ported Mojang code though, so keep that in mind.


When running in an IDE, add these program arguments

--tweakClass org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker --mixin dmod.mixin.json